As I said, I think it would be best to wait. However, just because I'm sure no one will listen to me, I'll vote...
No offense to Saberwolf, but Mind if I Tag Along With You? is not the best fic. It is a good fic, as well as the longest running, and currently, the most popular, but that does not make it the best. In my opinion, Coffee, by Grandpoobah is the best, while The Vigilant is the best RP, even if it is currently in flux.
None taken. I'm a bit embarassed, really, that everyone loves my fan-fic so much. Pretty soon, i'm gonna have to make a second thread.

IDK if it's the best out there, but i'm still proud of myself.
Oh, and to throw my 2 cents in, I like Rowena's story by Roan Art.