Ok im severely confused now. I couldnt understand a single word. Didnt understand what they were doing...
You don't need to understand what they say, just look at the situation.
It's a banned commercial for IKEA which has nothing to do with IKEA. IKEA Germany made it, and it was banned by the head office in Sweden. Reason why it's banned is pretty obvious - it mocks swedes and doesn't say anything about the furniture the company sells.
So basically, the germans took our midsummer's eve celebration, and tried to make it funny and portray the swedes like some kind of hillbillies. It starts out fairly well with them raising the pole, and wearing old traditional clothing, but it's still rather silly. Then they dance around it like morons (although in real life, you do aswell though not as violent, but the kids love it) and the musicians can't even play (they also forgot the accordion, which is the most common instrument played during this tradition). Then they eat food, and I am sure you can guess why that is silly, with eating raw fish and uncooked peasoup, and they all drink moonshine, and the guys fight, and then there's the party girls dancing on the car and the DJ, and the guy having six with that old lady........
It ridicules the tradition. That's what I said this is NOT how we celebrate it

We DO raise a pole dressed in flowers, some people do wear traditional clothing (like old people) and play traditional music (also the old people) and we do eat fish, potatoes and the like (though cooked) and dance around the pole, and get drunk and party for real and get laid and all that... but the whole situation in the video was rather pathetic don't you think?

EDIT: I guess some people, like Gab, celebrate it exactly like that. Gab, you're that old lady at the end? Or the party girl on the car?