Whoa, very cool, that dogmeat looks great. Kinda reminds me a bit of coyote from gunnerkrigg court, but only a little. Your style is really cool and unique. Even though it's very busy with all those intricate swirls and different colors it doesn't just look like a jumble. If you know what I mean... but you're the artist, not me, so you probably do

Also yeah it does look a little psychedelic.
Also to the above poster, yeah it's not very 'fallouty', more like characters from fallout reinterpreted in the author's style. It's like some alien race in the far future found records of Jericho and Dogmeat and made icons of them with their own crazy alien way. If that makes sense :/ Really cool though Zxhraivretiaiel (your name's a doozy though).