dudes ive played fallout only a few times at my freinds house and igotta say, after an hour of playing the story is just too awesome. Nuclear Holucaust? THATS CRAZY!

So why not make a movie u know? Remember how everyone freaked out when that rumor started about halo making a movie.....this would be triple that! Millions would watch it i garuntee it :fallout:
so tell me wat you guys think....well actually dont tell me tell the dudes who made this game!
It wouldn't work out. It'd have to be NC-17 to capture Fallout, otherwise it might as well be a 1950's visioned Terminator.
Plus, movies based on games rarely work out to be good ideas. Too often the movie either deviates way too far(Doom), becomes corrupted(Anything be Ewe Boll, Hitman), or was never a viable plan to start out with(Everything by Ewe Boll). You have to take the game's general premise, and craft a new story(Resident Evil, Tomb Raider).
The biggest problem is though, narrow audience. The vast majority of gamers are playing Mario Party and NFL, from there, your audience shrinks drastically. I mean most games not one of the above sells at most 10 million units, RPG's are lucky to hit 4 million. Studios shoot for audiences in the hundreds of millions.
Seriously, there's less than 20 million X-box 360's, less PS3's than 360's, and the Wii's real user base is probably only a bit above 20 million. All combined there's not even 100 million active gamers(Consoles only).
It's just not a good situation, not a viable buisness plan. Need a bigger market, need around 10 more years for another generation of gamers. Plus, need to keep people like Ewe Boll the heck away from the subject.
Finally, Games are still perceived by movie goers in the >35 crowd as "Kid material". Which explains the above. Remember, if you're much over 35, you were older when the Atari came out, there were no computers at home, and arcade games were extremely simplistic. Gen X and younger is where gamers are concentrated.
Which, at NC-17, or R, you've eliminated an easy half of your potential market. You're left with an 18 year age range window, or roughly 1/5 of the total population range. You're also stuck with what market you do have is either...
1. In college and time/money constrained, and in the highest piracy demographic.
2. In small children constrained, and least likely to have free time.
Bad buisness idea.