Ok after 100%in fallout new vegas (yes i got all 100% achievements, secret weapons and loacations) http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197971293271/stats/Fallout:NewVegas
the game was amazing so i decided give a Fallout 3 game of the year edition a try.
So far i am even more impressed with visuals and the plot even tho i just started

. another thing is: i really like the random factor in this game. I was traveling trough the subway and decided to take a breath of fresh air, as i got out i saw three ants trying to kill huge scorpion, and then i got owned. Hmmm i load from last save right in front of exit door and in hoped to kill that bastard i came across some thugs who owned me again

wait where is scorpion ? so i reload again and there was this two stupid idiots trying to defuse a mine which ended up blowing them up (it made me laugh)., ok lets reload again and bam i came across 3 ghouls by the camp fire. so much unpredictable randomness makes it much more interesting. also lack of ammo, stimpacks and companions being able to die for good makes it hard and strategic. Love it! 2 thumbs up again to Bethesda.
new vegas post http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1170085-one-of-the-best-games-i-played-thanks-bethesda/