You watched a video of someone walking in a video game for 2 hours?!
That sounds really tedious.
You watched a video of someone walking in a video game for 2 hours?!
That sounds really tedious.
the problem with that review is its [censored]. who ever thinks FO4 is the future of open world gaming obviously hasn't seen the trailers for games like No Mans Sky or The Division. Fallout 4, amazing as it is, is still essentially the same as FO3 and NV and skyrim, its just a little more updated. I'm not talking about the additions it has over the other games in the series like house building or weapon modding, those are new additions, but the format and game style are exactly the same.
I will be interested to see what people make for mods, I'm sure a game overhaul to turn it into The Walking Dead wouldn't be to hard if you removed super mutants, beasts, power suits and the BoS and somehow made the Ghouls more numerous and slower. And id love to see some Warhammer 40K Space Marine power suit mods and weapons like the Chain sword and Storm Bolter.
Clearly you've not played that much of it then
100 hours in and relatively done very little. Just got to the Institute and have explored MAYBE half the map, with many discovered locations unexplored.
There is just no way you can objectively say the game is short on content. Maybe in comparison to Skyrim(I never played it) but even then those two games have 100 times more content than a large majority of games on the marker right now.
I am just over 100 hours, and I still haven't run out of content. It is starting to slow down a bit, probably about the 90 hour mark, but that is more than I have played any game ever, so maybe it is just me.
There may be a short number of main quests but that is if you rush it. I'm just exploring the hell out of the game and I have to say that I have over SEVEN DAYS worth of time in this version of Fallout. It's FRICKIN HUGE compared to the past games. There are soooooooo many things in there that I doubt I will ever find everything. And just coming across sooooooo many things that make me go.... OH WOW!
This maybe a small spoiler but who has visited the monorail that fell off the track... and is now embedded in a building. The thing about this game is "If you can see it, you can visit it"... unlike the promise of Destiny... This makes Destiny look weak on the content side.
I still have a bunch of things to do...
Edit: Oh and regarding the size of the map... it doesn't take account of the height variances. To get a a full map size you would have to measure EVERY building's height and every underground station. The map isn't a flat rectangle after all... it's 3D.
If there was a pole on this topic, my vote would go to, 'There is too much content in Fallout 4' not that there isn't enough...
I don't have 100+ hours to spend playing this game... I have to get back to work on writing my mod and doing my 3d models... But it keeps dragging me back in.
I also think the short options on the dialogue wheel give the game more replay value, because I don't know what the sarcasm or jerk choices actually say... So I now want to play through as a different character and play through those choices.
The old way of doing things, I would already know what all those options said, and there would be no reason to do a playthrough as such a character.
There is no reason to not just play a couple of hours a week for ages... except for the fact those couple of hours will stretch into days by accident. Bethesda put a lot of stuff into the game... your task is to FIND IT... and it's not that hard to find. I love the small touches that the level designers have shoehorned in... like the Teddy Bear dioramas.... they are sooooooo cute (except the gunner ones.... those are crude lol).
I don't think anyone would disagree that there isn't a lot to explore, the problem is quests, imo. Too many of the damn quests are similar with one another, and a lot of them are repetitious. It can be hard to find cool quests, and unless you progress the MQ, you will hit a lull where only thing to do is repeat radiant quests over and over and explore until you actually find a side quest that if you are lucky will distract you for a decent amount of time.
IMO it's not that the game is short on content, it's that it's short on content that I enjoy and find worth doing. There is of course always a new building to find, always more enemies to kill, always more desk fans and clipboards to scrap, etc...but that stuff isn't fun for me on its' own. I like quests and sidequests that have me interacting with different people, quests that have an interesting objective/storyline, etc...most quests boil down to "go here, kill everything" or "go here and find ___ (and also probably kill everything in the process)" but when that isn't packaged with story and characters and a reason for me to be interested and care then it's a chore. The sidequests I liked were the ones like Confidence Man and the Silver Shroud ones and even taking the tour of vault 81 from the little boy Austin for 5 caps. I felt like there were far too few of that kind of quest and that I was drowning in the randomly generated and repeatable ones with zero substance.
but these quests are repetitive, and when like me you find out you've done all side quests apart from the repeating ones. it suddenly feels empty. i had already done all the institute missions and the following up one to kill the institute, which is why i went back to an earlier save.
i only have The Molecular Level and the miscellaneous quest to Meet Jack Cabbot, (which bugged out. jack wasn't in the spot i was supposed to meet him until he appeared out of nowhere outside the building and started shooting me. in fact this also happened in the Covenant quest line towards the end, Honest Dan, while we are sneaking through a sewer suddenly jumps up and shouts "you shouldn't have killed her man" and starts blasting at me).
If i start the molecular level i effectively enter the end stages of the game which I'm reluctant to do for the reason that Bethesda RPGs spoil quickly when the main quest is over because the remaining side quests are to repetitive. it would be ok if there was a mix of missions from each faction that didn't feel exactly the same. for instance, Minutemen, they are always either kill super mutants, gunners raiders or ghouls, because theres some about 2 and a 1/2 miles away and we feel threatened. or someones been kidnapped, go get em back. when you do them they are all the same task.
i dont feel dungeons count to map size. if you're saying that you'd have to include underground stations as well as buildings then you would have to do the same in other games. the outside area of map is small. you can walk from the BoS airship to sanctuary in about 10 mins, if you ignore all enemies.
I've always been one for quality over quantity.
Unfortunately Bethesda believes otherwise.
If given a choice, I'd much rather have a game half the size but double the quality than what Bethesda offers.
Tell me how a voice protagonist is a better move thanks to the [censored] dialog system that came with it?
yeah this is what I'm talking about. Except i went through my completed quests with an online side quest finder and it turns out I've done them all and only have repeating ones remaining. if i continue with the main story i know I'm gonna finish it pretty quickly.
i have spent hours rebuilding and fortifying settlements as well but somehow people still get kidnapped, which should be nigh on impossible with the amount of guard posts and sentry guns but hey ho.
it would also be nice if there was a friendly fire option in the settings for settlers, when i did the 'Defend the Castle from the institute', i kept shooting my settlers and having them turn on me. Or does the perk in charisma that stops damage to and from companions count for this to?
There are many things that would make the small things in this game more fun. like an option to assign settlers to power armour which they dont get out of to sleep. and better dog armour, maybe even a secret vault with a canine power suit.
And where are the Blueprints? I've found so many guns, that in FO3, would have had to have been made on the work benches.