Im sad to say that this game feels like its a bit short of quests. The main story seems to rap up fairly quickly for a Bethesda RPG and its also fairly obvious at which point in the game things are coming to fruition.
Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying the hell out of it. The light levels and scenery are much more likeable that FO3 and the companions and settlement building is great, but the "Settlement in trouble" side missions as well as most of the faction missions are incredibly repetitive and seem to be purely there to force you into discovering locations.
Its such a shame as initially i wasn't hyped for it after the depressing experience of Fallout 3 but upon playing it at release on a friends console i was turned around.
Maybe I've just played it to much to quickly but other than collecting all the comics and suits and weapons after the main quest is done it might start to feel a bit hollow.
I've discovered hundreds of locations and its always fun and tense exploring those new areas. The weapon and armour modding is also an excellent addition but i'm a bit disappointed not to find any 'blueprints' other than for the mortar.
All in all its a great game but it doesn't feel as if theres as much to do as there is in Skyrim, a game which I've spent for 1000's of hours on multiple play throughs.
I can only hope for future updates at a not to extortionate rate in the interest of making the game feel like the wealth of adventure the Elder Scrolls games provided, either that or maybe we'll get some awesome mods onto the console from the community.
EDIT: So… I've gone back to an earlier save before I started the Molecular Level quest so i can explore more things. I managed to finish a few quests like Lost Patrol which seems to have opened up some BoS missions but i have a feeling they are gonna be a bit repetitive. For the most part I'm having trouble finding quests themselves. I've done several in Good Neighbour, and random things by talking to butters in buildings. The travelling traders need to provide more hints to possible missions like the taverns of Skyrim.