[this is hard to show without the ability to include video links]
I'm having a graphical issue with the game, when it comes to a few (rather rare) textures (meshes?) flickering from a distance, especially when moving. When I get close to some extent, the problem disappears.
No mods activated in this instance except NMC + UHQ + Flora Overhaul. Alternate Start - Roleplayers also installed (but assumed unrelated) to quickly test in-game. I also tested without any mods (except with the latest Ultimate Community patch), and the issue has been replicated, each time.
Activated/de-activated Archive Invalidation Invalidated, meddled with the .ini settings. Also spent a lot of time Googling for fixes, tried toggling some graphic settings on and off. It seems to be a recurring issue with Bethesda games sharing the same engine.
Two GTX 980s (SLI disabled) (latest nVIDIA drivers)
i7 4930k, 16GB DDR3
Any ideas? Any help appreciated.