Hi , I recently built my pc and I got fallout 3 and newvegas and in both ive noticed really bad Z-fighting , Like clippy textures going insane, And I switched gpus from 6970 to 9500gt and I still got the same issues , And I Have a motherboard that im about to rma with 2 bad ram slots , So my question is Could it be the mother board causing this z-fighting and Even if people dont have bad computers (defective parts) then why do they get z-fighting , like how come some ppl get it and others dont , Btw i updated all my drivers re installed windows and that stuff nothing fixed it also When Npc's walk they kinda studder like the'll drag and look like their glitching , could that be my monitors fault ? Thank you
8GB ddr3 1600mhz ram (gskill)
His ice q 6970
asrock p67 extreme4 gen3(soon to be rma'd)
corsair 850w psu
WD 1Tb Caviar Black HDD
Asus Dvd burner
EDIT : THE clippy textures appear On mountains in fo3 and new vegas , Usually stuff at far distances and sometimes rocks and other things will generate or load right infront of me and i got everything maxed out so idk , thanks again