Well, I guess I will do what I do now; take various long breaks with the games I have. I like playing the games I know and rarely do I feel the need for something new.
I don′t oppose Steam just to be an a**, I do it because I don′t like being forced to use it and that′s who I am, I don′t like being forced unnecessarily. Electricity to power my computer is one thing I can accept being forced to use, btw... 
So I guess I won′t get newer games ever if they all migrate there. But that doesn′t mean I won′t discover an older gem here and there and get hooked once again 
You might find it interesting that Oblivion, Fallout 3, VtM:B and Morrowind all came to me through a friend. I wouldn′t have gotten any of them if it hadn′t been because of him. He′s the sole reason I′m not still just playing the original Deus Ex and Star Wars Rebellion! 
Edit: I got Deus Ex via him too, btw