Fallout 4 for PlayStation 4

Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:53 pm

I still remember the bloodgrass glitch that prevented you curing vampirism. Happened to me and a friend and was incredibly annoying. Game breaking bugs don't seem to have been as big as an issue in more recent iterations. However, gameplay and crashing wise PS3 was not good for Skyrim.

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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:23 pm

i don't feel something is inferior for the lack of mods.. I have played many games on my ps3 without them and did enjoy.

My experience with BGS mods is that the first thing done is stripping off the underwear.. Next is a bunch of skimpy armor..


I do feel one year is too long to wait to port a dlc..

And from history that BGS and Xbox seem to be walking merrily down the path hand in hand...


Adding also I would have bought an xbox1 if I could also mod Oblivion texture faces (look like skin disease in game) and Skyrim texture faces (pixilated noses and chins)

However Gstaff cleared that all up so...

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Joe Alvarado
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:38 pm

No undies is the best, we were all born naked anyway
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Jessica Raven
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:31 pm

The vanilla games are fine. The problem is mods objectively make any BGS game infinitely more fun. The PS4 just will not have as much flexibility and replayability as the X1 and PC.

nvde mods are always popular, but what will ultimately be a game changer is ENB, script extenders, UI overhauls, etc. Anything and everything will be changed and tweaked which will lead to a better experience for everybody as there will be something for everyone.

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Robert Jackson
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:54 pm

1080p's been confirmed for both consoles. I'd be more concerned about the consistency of the 30fps, though. It should be a constant 30fps, not a wonky 20-40fps.

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Alada Vaginah
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:37 pm

That is your opinion. There are plenty of gamers, even on PC, who don't mod their games nor do they have any interest in mods. The only time I'm interested in mods is if they fix something that is broken in the game, like an unofficial patch more or less.

Your statement about PS4 is also an assumption, as they already stated they are working on bringing mods to the PS4, yet you claim this won't happen. Maybe they will, maybe they won't, but it is a little too early to make a definitive statement.

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D LOpez
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:30 pm

You inability to read is incredibly tiresome. I'm starting to believe you are purposely being confrontational.

Mods are merely another tool that can add to the experience. Not having them at all gives you less of an experience. Whether you perceive it as "better" or not is irrelevant. The PS4 will have the least content making it the "inferior" port by default. If you don't care for modding then good for you.

I don't believe I said mods weren't coming to PS4 at all. On the contrary, I said Sony was the reason a deal hasn't happened and BGS was trying to make it a reality. I'm merely skeptical because modding is largely a western interest and the Japanese don't care for it. Not only that, but Sony doesn't currently have an infrastructure to support modding, meaning it would be difficult. Modding could happen on PS4, but it's unlikely to occur with Fallout 4. If it does happen, it won't be for a very long time.

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Kelli Wolfe
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:20 am

I think that we can just all accept that the PS4 version will ultimately get all the best things first. It's just an inevitability.

Fallout 4 is going to be a major success. And the majority of those copies are going to be sold on PS4. Both Sony and Bethesda are going to be getting very close with each other. Once the sale figures arrive on Bethesda's desk and they see over 50% of all copies of Fallout 4 sold were on PS4......that Sony/Bethesda relationship will be cemented.

Bethesda are going to follow the money. Just like Activision did with Call of Duty. No finer example of a third party developer being a complete turncoat the moment the tide turns.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:23 pm

Those numbers are very optimistic! I hope you are correct.
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hannah sillery
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:02 pm

I presume you mean an administrative infrastructure? If they have the capability to allow users to browse, select, pay for and receive DLC, then surely they have the technical infrastructure to allow users to browse, select and receive mods?

I suppose they don't have the infrastructure to allow end-users to upload mods to Sony's servers, but presumably it would be feasible for Bethesda to deliver mods from Bethesda.net to Sony's servers via a similar (technical) process by which they deliver DLC.

Whether Sony is at all open to the idea of mods on PS4 is something I'm completely ignorant of, and I'm well prepared to believe that they aren't. On the other hand, before the announcement about mods coming to Xbox One I'd have believed Microsoft weren't open to the idea either.

It'll be interesting to find out... actually, if Sony don't go for it, it'll be very dull to find out - "What ever happened to that idea of mods on PS4? Nothing? Oh well." :D

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Rachell Katherine
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 1:51 pm

I will just observe that the best anime type mods for the PC originate in Japan. Some absolutely gorgeous characters and outfits.

I would have said they have quite a vibrant mod community.

Are these mods all done just for Westerners? I seriously doubt it.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 12:33 pm

Well, and wasn't the LittleBigPlanet series all about user-created content? So I'd imagine that they have a least a little experience with hosting & distributing game files.... the most important part, I'd think, is in the game itself having a properly designed mod searching/installing/organizing interface. And someone (whether Sony or Bethesda staff) to run approval on mods.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:22 pm

You're the one who ranked em, not me. It can be safe to assume that PC will be best, but as far as what console the game works best on, that, we won't know until the game comes out. I'd rather have a good running game than a game that runs like total crap but hey look, we can get mods. Only thing I think console gamers care about is a game that works good, for the most part they have never used mods in their life. I could probably bring up the word mod to all of my console gamer friends and they wouldn't even know what it means.

But hey, before we rank how the game plays, lets play the game first, and lets be pleased if it just runs good.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:59 pm

Well if you want to go based on "performance" then BGS games have always worked better on Microsoft consoles compared to Sony consoles. I don't believe BGS' games will be terrible on the PS4 as they were on the PS3, but who knows? Either way, not knowing of mods or never using them does not mean mods don't make a game better. There are mods out there for everybody.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:16 pm

Lol, I wouldn't say that it is equal to ANY PC with integrated graphics. The PS4 runs games at almost the same graphical fidelity as a GTX 660 and the Xbox One isn't far behind. The best APU I've seen is only half as good.

As long as the Xbox One version is running at 1080p nothing else really matters.

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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:09 pm

Still, PS4 and Xbox One are both based on an AMD 8-core APU (Xbox is clocked higher, PS4 has more graphics power). So as far as coding goes, there's almost no difference between them and a PC with integrated graphics. Some difference from a PC with a separate GPU as they have unified memory while a 'regular' PC has separate video memory on the GPU.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:54 pm

That's not saying much considering the GTX660 is a three year old card... It was already obsolete when the new consoles were released. Heck, the the minimum requirement of a GPU for Mad Max is a GTX660ti. It's not surprising when many reviews of the PS4 version have been complaining about stuttering and long load screens. Consoles are already having issues running current games on the market. This is exactly why Fallout 4 isn't as pretty as it could be to maintain a stable 30fps at 1080p on both consoles.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:43 pm

I'm not sure about that. I know they have to deal with the ESRAM specifically on the Xbox One. So they can't just throw stuff on it without considering the special hardware considerations. Even the PS4 has special optimization that's done on on their system and not on the PC version.

It's a little misleading to say that when http://www.cinemablend.com/games/Steam-Survey-Most-PC-Gamers-Have-Weaker-PCs-Than-PS4-Xbox-One-58833.html. Besides the conversation wasn't really about consoles vs PC.

Mad Max has framerate issues because they targeted 30fps without much head room. They would rather have it become a slideshow at times so that they could have better screenshots for marketing purposes instead of toning the graphics down and aiming for 35-40fps (with it locked at 30fps of course) for more head room.

It's not like having a low end GPU because there will always be a version of the game specifically made for the PS4 and Xbox One. So long after the 760 misses the minimum requirements for games the PS4 and XB1 will still have games coming out on those systems running just fine.

Bethesda Softworks almost went bankrupt trying to remain a PC only developer. The original Xbox version of Morrowind was sort of a last ditch effort to save the studio. Just look at Firaxis. They http://www.pcgamesn.com/xcom-sales-flounder-consoles-win-pc. If Bethesda Game Studios could they would have made the game PC only.

Consoles even brought ESO out of the hole. ESO would have been a loss for Bethesda Softworks if not for consoles.

I personally hate 30fps, though. It takes a toll on me personally after hours and hours of playing and that's why I would rather game on PC, but for someone who doesn't have the know how or means a console is a perfectly viable and convenient option.

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Rachel Briere
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:11 am

Ah, thanks, I hadn't been aware of that - that'll teach me to mouth off without doing my homework :D

And now I'm having a flashback to optimising video distortion code for a digital signal processor with too small a signal buffer and no floating point hardware :wallbash: :ahhh:

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Kirsty Wood
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:00 pm

Becasue a two year old articel using even older data is A GREAT comparison.... :twirl: :touched: not.

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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:38 pm


It's still relevant information. Ok, well here is a http://blogjob.com/oneangrygamer/2015/08/only-34-of-steam-users-run-their-games-at-1080p/.

Is that one too old for you?

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Sabrina Steige
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:49 am

Just because you own a PC doesn't make you a "PC gamer." Being a PC gamer suggests you have a gaming PC, which is NOT the case for a large portion of account owners on Steam. If we were to take a sample size of just PC gamers, as in owning gaming PCs that can actually run current multiplatform titles, you'd likely find a matority of PC gamers have better hardware than consoles.

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Big Homie
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:23 pm

Yes, percentage wise. Most of the PC gamers that you would count have a better gaming rig. However, that would mean you would have to cut the number of PC gamers by 2/3rds since they don't meet your "minimum requirements" to be called a PC gamer.

Supposedly PC games are https://www.siliconrepublic.com/companies/2014/04/28/pc-games-are-now-outselling-console-games-worldwide-says-report, but when you dig deeper you'll find that they sell far less AAA multiplatform titles and far more of those "non PC gamer" indie titles. Again, Todd Howard did everything he could to avoid getting into console gaming.

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Isabella X
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 1:13 pm

That's very true. The actual gaming PC base is much smaller than consoles, while the entire PC community (gamers and non-gamers) is much larger than consoles. It depends on what demographic you are looking at.

Most "gamers" play on consoles and not PCs because of the myth that consoles are "cheaper." Thus, most of the AAA games are going to sell best on console as that's where the largest portion of gamers are. I'm not sure if Todd Howard was ever against bringing his games to consoles. Certainly, he has been disappointed by console hardware limitations. However, he's also made it abundantly clear he wants his titles to be as accessible to as many people as possible.

BGS still cares for the PC community enough to support modding via their modding tools. They've been doing this since Morrowind and they on some level respect and still honor their PC roots. I think they also figure that PC gamers will make the improvements they want to the game, so they aren't really worried about our needs as much as making a game that works on consoles.

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Kara Payne
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:11 pm

I thought I remembered them saying he had to be talked into it.

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