I'm not sure about that. I know they have to deal with the ESRAM specifically on the Xbox One. So they can't just throw stuff on it without considering the special hardware considerations. Even the PS4 has special optimization that's done on on their system and not on the PC version.
It's a little misleading to say that when http://www.cinemablend.com/games/Steam-Survey-Most-PC-Gamers-Have-Weaker-PCs-Than-PS4-Xbox-One-58833.html. Besides the conversation wasn't really about consoles vs PC.
Mad Max has framerate issues because they targeted 30fps without much head room. They would rather have it become a slideshow at times so that they could have better screenshots for marketing purposes instead of toning the graphics down and aiming for 35-40fps (with it locked at 30fps of course) for more head room.
It's not like having a low end GPU because there will always be a version of the game specifically made for the PS4 and Xbox One. So long after the 760 misses the minimum requirements for games the PS4 and XB1 will still have games coming out on those systems running just fine.
Bethesda Softworks almost went bankrupt trying to remain a PC only developer. The original Xbox version of Morrowind was sort of a last ditch effort to save the studio. Just look at Firaxis. They http://www.pcgamesn.com/xcom-sales-flounder-consoles-win-pc. If Bethesda Game Studios could they would have made the game PC only.
Consoles even brought ESO out of the hole. ESO would have been a loss for Bethesda Softworks if not for consoles.
I personally hate 30fps, though. It takes a toll on me personally after hours and hours of playing and that's why I would rather game on PC, but for someone who doesn't have the know how or means a console is a perfectly viable and convenient option.