If you can't work for something you want, you don't deserve it. At 13 you probably have ZERO other financial responsibilities. Plenty of ways you can make money here for there to get what you want. Don't be another self entitled spoiled brat.
If you can't work for something you want, you don't deserve it. At 13 you probably have ZERO other financial responsibilities. Plenty of ways you can make money here for there to get what you want. Don't be another self entitled spoiled brat.
I used to walk dogs for cash when I was a kid. I couldn't believe people would pay me to geek out with dogs.
u want to studie art for games, so what u can do is work or ask your parents (there are millions way to change the their mind) to buy u a decent computer so u can work and play game.
I work doing art for publicity and indi-game, so u can use your computer for both think playing and work.
Depend where u live, but u can cut grass, dont go out much and save money, work a part time job for some dollars. Make sacrifice.
second hand custom PC maybe can save your money ?
start with
1 - powersupply
2 - mainboard
3 - cpu
4 - ram
5 - harddisk
6 - video card
7 - keyboard
8 - mouse
9 - speaker
10 - monitor
if everything is second hand and can meet recommended spec
then it cheap than ps4 or xbox for sure
Man as a kid i had it figured out better than you did!
When i knew a new game, console or toy was gonna be coming soon i started saving up and doing chores.
You on the other hand had 2 years to save up and work for a X1/ps4/budget gaming pc and didn't do it, you been slacking bro!
My tip: sit down with ask your parents for allowance, and also ask if you can get more if you vacuum all week, mow the lawn and do the dishes every night.
Sell your 360 with all games, work your ass off and maybe get 15 bucks allowance a week for doing alot of cleaning and you might be able to get it within half a year. And if you got a birthday and/or christmas presents ask for extra money towards your console instead of the usual.
what is the price for a xone or ps4 this day??? i ask bc like i said i have a really good computer for work and play so i dont own a console ( no time to spend on it really if not i will own one of each =P)
You're way too young to play F4 anyways and there won't be a 360/PS4 version anyways.
I can't believe you lot believe 'PoliticalLion69' is actually a 13 year old and secondly, I can't believe I read the entire post :/
between 300 and 400$ ussualy comes with one or two games as well.
Even tho i have a good gaming PC i do own a PS4 for racing games, sports games and couch co-op games.. and for general apps like netflix etc. on the big living room tv.
yeah saving 300-400$ since fallout was announce is not hard.
You really think you can build a rig that meets minumum for under $350? I find that hard to believe. Just the CPU to meet minumum was like $280 new lol
CPU for min fallout requirements was something like $600-700 USD and I think that was without a lot of other stuff like a moniter, mouse/keyboard, Windows, and right basically not goin to happen.