I have spent all my time modding Fallout 3, without contributing.
I am currently in the process of making a portable Fallout 3 Function list, so you don't have to look and load pages all the time
This file "Fallout 3 Function list" is in the format as .chm(Windows Compiled HTML files).
For vista users, if you have trouble with opening/viewing the content within, then visit this page: http://thompson-gs.freehostingclouds.com/index.php?page=setup_vista_chmfile and follow the steps.
To download the beta file(Not 100% complete) view this page: http://thompson-gs.freehostingclouds.com/index.php?page=gamemods and click download.
This file will include:
- Fallout 3 Functions
- FOSE Functions
- BlockTypes
- Example Scripts
- Description of function
This file grows every day, as i personally write page by page based on the functions on the http://geck.gamesas.com.
This is version 1.0.1 beta. I hope you enjoy this file, as it is my first Major Contribution to the community of fallout 3
Thanks Persidon