Fallout 4 gameplay feedback...

Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:37 pm

While I love this game (and it keeps me awake a lot, most nights), there are some things I *really* wish could be changed or added.

There should be an interface to assign settlers to tasks, so you know who's idle and where you need to allocate people (since they seem incapable of doing it themselves).

Likewise settlers are being allocated to things like trading stands - but whenever I return to that settlement some stands are empty.

As far as shops are concerned it says in the description that building these provides an income based on number of settlers - but I've had up to 20 settlers at Sanctuary Hills and seen no extra caps (unless it's not telling me about them).

And we shouldn't have a limit for things like defence being only able to allocate a settler to a guard post if there's no other settler currently standing on it.

Settlement building
The build-area wall is bothersome, especially in some areas like Jamaica Plain. Not sure why such a low physical limit was placed on it - whereas others are huge (eg Starlight Drivein).

Fence building is a total pain in the a$$ if the ground isn't perfectly flat - which it isn't, most of the time. I can rotate two ways (clockwise & anti-) but not in the vertical plane.

Walls and roofs - the "snap-to" (adjacent) function can be really irritating. Would like to be able to turn it off.

Also it's annoying to bring in a new settlement with limited scrappable items then having to go to another settlement just to allocate a supply line.
When opening up a new settlement it usually immediately tells you there are two new settlers... except they're not there. It shouldn't give a number until people actually arrive.

I should also be able to allocate settlers to repair stuff in the event of an attack I couldn't get to because I was on a quest and couldn't fast travel = eg put a person in charge of each settlement for when the "chief" is away.

Settlement events
These happen too often (seems like all I've done for a week is take care of kidnap victims and ghouls & raiders threatening my settlements) - and nowhere near enough variety! -_- (Yes, I know I don't have to do those straight away... but I was trying to build a romantic relationship with Preston.)

While I like being able to modify weapons & armour I don't get why I can't scrap or modify Legendary items.

And also why we can't build weapons and armour from scratch, Skyrim style - which I was really expecting before game release.

Decorative items like vases placed on tables, windowsills etc have fallen through them whenever I go back to that particular place.

Why are the settlers vegetarians...? I have Brahmin at several settlements but can't get milk or meat from them? What are they there for, then?

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:20 am

The Factions are so boring in this game, the Minutemen and Underground Railroad are just a bunch of circle jerking morons, only the Brotherhood and Institute are remotely interesting, and neither are any near as interesting as New Vegas' Factions.

The [censored] settlement quests are so annoying, Bethesda introduced way more settlements than anyone has enough time to build and maintain, and most of them are just tiny plots of land that are useful for nothing more than a few plants and water pumps.

Most of the weapons in this game just look like [censored], I don't know what it is but I want to barf every time I see a pipe weapon, and New Vegas and 3 at least had some realistic looking weapons, G3's, AK's, AR15's etc. What the hell is the Assault Rifle in this game? It looks like a vacuum cleaner being held wrong.

Fix the settlement build system, implement a top down mode, allow us to have a system where we can see what settler is assigned to what and what resources are currently assigned.

The dialogue system is a disappointment, nearly any response you make leads to the exact same response from the NPC you're talking to, whether it's an [censored] response or a nice response. I wanted to be an evil scientist toting power armor and was disappointed to find out I couldn't really.

Everything else is fine.

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Helen Quill
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:03 pm

Oh and also, why can't I scrap Power Armour? I've got 4 damn suits.

Lol SuaveCreation re vacuum cleaner gun xD I'm going to call it that from now on.

NPC dialogue svcks a$$...
Preston telling you he's heard a settlement's in trouble and it's the one you're currently standing in... plus he always says the same bloody thing whenever you finish dealing with whatever it is. -_-
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Lil Miss
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:39 am

The game was just released like w/ the past 2 releases Fo3 & NV it's just getting started expect a ton of new content both unofficial & fan created mods

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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:35 pm

Here are a few things I would like to see changed.

  • Fast travel from anywhere that assigns the player a task. Having to watch a loading screen so I can watch a loading screen is very annoying.
  • Allow us to pick locks no matter what our lock picking skill is at. If I want to waste 100 bobby pins on a master lock, let me.
  • Let the hacking skill make hacking easier and it won't restrict us from high level terminals. It may take me 30 minutes to hack a master, that's 30 minutes I spent playing.
  • Sleeping in hostile places has a chance of being sneak attacked or something stolen while we sleep.
  • Let us side with raiders or create our own faction that lets us "recruit" and send out on missions.
  • Preset armor tabs for quick changing.
  • An arch when throwing would be very helpful. Demolition expert-Rank 2

I have been enjoying playing and although none of the things listed are game breaking some are very annoying. I think this has been one of my favorite games I have ever played and I look forward to many more hours of playing. The only real complaint I have is with the audio, on the PS4 my audio cracks and pops like it is buffering in the background.

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Wayland Neace
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:48 am

I would agree with pretty much all of this, though the lockpicking and hacking had precedents set in previous games. Not allowing players to get into areas/containers until they put points or perks into it allowed for some more balancing of the game. Also, isn't there a perk with explosives that shows you the preview arc on throwing grenades? Maybe I made that up

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:37 am

Not sure about the arc, I will have to check. Found it, you are correct, thanks.

Your explosives now do 50 percent more damage, and grenades gain a throwing arc.

In Skyrim I am fairly certain I can pick locks above my skill, it just breaks more lock picks. It's just a barrier that is needless and could actually reward players for getting lucky or being tenacious.

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Farrah Barry
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:28 am

Yes, and it makes grenades incredibly powerful when you can chuck them on a dime anywhere you want.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 10:45 am

I can't speak on Skyrim (not my subject matter of choice) but Fallout 3/NV both used a similar system to 4. The Cryolator is IN the vault as we start. Seems silly to allow players to get that even if they do take awhile to do it. This is where the whole RPG argument of player skill and character skill come in.

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Matthew Warren
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:52 am

u could use the Vertibird for Fast-travel like i do. Is nice u can switch direction middle of the fly or land whatever u want.

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DAVId Bryant
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:51 am

What also doesn't make sense to me is that my (ex-lawyer) character can build anything from beds (not that unbelievable) to complex machinery like generators and water purifiers (not quite as believable)... IMO a better system would have been technically-skilled settlers whom you either have to attract, or to train up in a kind of Fallout Shelter manner.
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:44 am

Can you get on the vertibird from the police station, I don't know because I've never used them.

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