Don't get your hopes up using that logic.
Beth probably didn't use that same logic when they game the "50 base guns" stat.
Consider for the moment that a "50 base weapons" is NOT the same thing as "50 base guns", unless you consider weapons that cause blunt force trauma and edged weapons "guns".
Also, if you think about it a bit, while it might be possible to convert (mod) a katana into a wakizashi and mod that into a tanto (although they would have a weakness not present in the "parent" weapon), but it would be near impossible to go the other way, so if those three weapons exist, each of them would most likely be a base weapon.
i hope the unique unmodifiable weapons come back in addition too base weapons like fallout 3 and new vegas.
True... but why would a FO game need multiple types of sword? Swords aren't exactly a FO staple weapon - Japanese swords even less so. EDIT: Also, there's no real reason that different blades can't be installed into the same handle, which is roughly how the modding system seems to work - they showed taking a wooden bat and turning it into an aluminum one, after all.
So yes, there's 50 base weapons and some of those are guns, some are melee weapons, some are grenades, etc. If we naively assume that each weapon type is equally represented, then we've got Guns, Energy Weapons, Melee Weapons, Unarmed Weapons, Heavy Weapons, and Grenades to deal with - six different weapon types by my count. That's 8 and a third base weapons per type - which is still significantly more weapons than FO3 if each of the 8 gun and energy weapon base weapons can be turned into three or more different types of weapon (pistol/sniper rifle/assault rifle), leaving you with 50 weapons of those types plus the remaining 34 non-energy, non-gun weapons (each of which can also be modified significantly).
There are even more than that since you can take a basic weapon like a pipe pistol or laser pistol and upgrade it all the way to a rifle version.
I wonder if they will use the caliber size as a basic weapon.
So there would be 9mm weapons, 10mm weapons, 12mm weapons, and so on.
Don't get too excited people. Since Morrowind, Bethesda has really failed to deliver on the number of different types of armour, weapons and spells (in TES) in its open world games. I'm almost positive that the Laser Pistol is a separate "base weapon" to the Laser Rifle.
To be fair, there does seem to be far more variety than Fallout 3. I'm personally hoping that every base weapon can be turned into every kind of weapon, e.g. the 10mm Pistol can become a 10mm Shotgun, a 10mm Sniper Rifle, etc. However, what I'm saying is that while Bethesda probably don't consider the 10mm Sniper Rifle to be a base weapon, they will consider the 10mm Pistol AND, say, the 10mm SMG to be separate base weapons. Hope that makes sense.
I seriously doubt there's more than 50 base weapons. Honestly, it's kind of disappointing, because I counted at least 12 energy weapons total, not including any gatling laser or the flamer part. I got a feeling melee weapons are gonna get the short stick on this one, and I have no idea if any revolvers are included.
Pretty sure the .44 is confirmed. I feel the opposite actually. I think the "50 base weapons" will mostly be made up of an annoying amount of melee weapons, instead of awesome guns and energy weapons we can use.
I hope melee weapons don't get the short stick. I loved the rocket-powered sledgehammer in the demos.
.44 pistol, Very different from the .44 Magnum, unless we actually see the revolver on there, I will remain skeptic.
Edit: I was right, .44 Pistol, not .44 Magnum revolver.
Also, seriously? Fallout 3 had more Guns and energy weapons than Melee weapons, blunt and Sharp combined. Don't even get me started on Unarmed, which only had EIGHT weapons in Fallout 3. That's embarrassing.
I don't think there's a Katana in Fallout 4... at all. I think there will just be the same weapons from Fallout 3, not weapons from Fallout New Vegas.
It looks to me like something similar to Borderlands 2 weapon system.
You have the body which determines what type of weapon it is. (Plasmas, Laser, 5.56 rifle and the like)
Then you have the barrels which determines what class of weapon it is. (Sniper, Scattergun, flamethrower, full-auto.)
Then you have parts like the stocks and scopes, which increase/decrease various weapon stats.
I'm mostly just worried that they're going to use that modular system as another excuse to completely neglect energy weapons again. I still want a gatling laser and P94 plasma rifle.
On a side note, in the fight with Raiders before the Lone Survivor gets his first laser musket, he and dog meat kill two of them.
He then loots an automated pipe rifle with a crude reflex sight (a short piece of pipe) and uses it.
So it looks like the opposition will be using modded weapons and we can loot them off their bodies!
The only disadvantage I see is that we might not get to see the classic weapons like the 10mm submachinegun, Battle Rifle, or the 9mm grease gun.
At least in the visual form we know them.
I'm sure there will be a 10mm submachine gun and same for the rest.
Hardly a problem because I'm sure the modding community will add them back in.
you can turn a 10 mm pistol into the 10 mm submachine gun... was even shown being used with a holosight added.