Curiously, I seem to remember the same phrase used to describe Skyrim back in 2011. And I've heard tales from gamers of old of it being applied to Oblivion as well. And Morrowind for "dumbing down" the system that was in Daggerfall.
For me, the game has its goods and bads, like any BGS game. Equipment modding is something they should look into keeping around. Modifying existing weapons and armor worked out a lot better than the crafting in Skyrim and managed to keep finding new loot a reality later in the game, when stuff with secondary effects became more common. Power armor has a second layer of depth with the fushion cores and can be upgraded in a number of ways, from simply improving its stats to jets lacks and paint jobs. I don't care much for the levelling system and I think that Bethesda should look to Fallout 3 rather than TES: 3, 4 & 5 and Fallout 4 for the next game(Almost Perfect notwithstanding).
The settlements that are not generic settling spots are generally too few for my taste and I feel I don't get enough chance to bother people about random trivia. Or to have people bother me with random trivia. Exploration feels less good than Skyrim, where I think the one in charge of dungeons had OCD or something about making at least something unique in each one.
On the other hand, the gameplay feels smoother and more natural when entering combat. Enemies seem to behave in ways that are more inclined towards self-preservation and seem hesitant to be baited out from a fortified position, being instead very happy to share their granades and molotovs with you should you try. Companions are average, but I would rather give a special shoutout to the "Lone Wanderer" perks. Nice touch, making it a choice to go alone or not.
The general low number of attributes you get at the start is a good thing, IMO. Forces certain choices a bit. That you have to choose a perk or attribute increase per level is also okay as far as such things go. All this goes to put more planning into how to level the character. And there are a decent amount of more "unique" perks, like Aquaboy, Gun Fu, Pain Train, Ghoulish, etc. Small flavors living alongside the Rifleman, Armorer and the like. But I do miss the skills quite a lot.
The visual redesign of some enemies(like the Mirelurk) is great, IMO. So is the introduction of certain new types and ranks of enemies, giving you something to fight even as new levels are reached. Layered armor where each piece if moddable is nice too. The various base clothes seem balanced, being generally not very powerful, but offering small favors in certain directions(sometimes a little extra protection, sometimes stat bonuses).
I enjoy Fallout 4, but it is not my favorite BGS game.