I must say this game is more of an RPG than 3 was.
I like the higher reliance on the GURPS SPECIAL system.
I must say this game is more of an RPG than 3 was.
I like the higher reliance on the GURPS SPECIAL system.
Action RPGs are a new breed (newish) and I think FO4 delivers there. Lots of fighting sure but as many have said, most RPGs don't really allow for other options over fighting. Dialog can be better, sure, but not any worse than ME1-3. I do wish they stayed true to Fallout where there's another path (you can do it, but kinda hard) than the plotline or "do-gooder" mechanics offer. But to me, choices removed was replaced by other choices introduced (settlement management), and the open world is top notch (i.e., you can beeline the plot or take your time and discover each area).
Like Mass Effect for me I do see myself re-doing the game with a diff character.
I agree with the point about the lack of memorable quests. I've played 40+ hours and explored a third of the map. The quests I've got so far have been mostly helping settlements with attacks and finding lost items for various people. The ones that were different were brief and fairly inconsequential: rescuing hostage in Monsignor Plaza, dealing with chem dealers in Drumlin Diner, etc. And even those weren't too memorable. Where are the ones that at least try to be interesting, like the one early in FO:NV where someone pretends to be a good guy and lures you to secluded area with the promise of finding treasures and then ambushes you?
This game reminds me of Far Cry 3/4 in many areas. The protaganist is voiced. He can choose to join one of two or three factions. He can build up a home, not to the same degree as FO4 but more than FO3 or FNV allowed. He can customize weapons and armor. No one has ever referred to the Far Cry games as rpgs. They are as the author described, shooters with some rpg mechanics.
I love this game but anyone that says you can be an evil bastard like in the previous games is delusional and needs to take of their coke bottle glasses.
My opinion, it's a video game. One I enjoy playing. Screw the labels!
Thanks Bethesda.
Well, naturally that's an issue when all you do is radiant quests.
Am I the only one who feels that the SS is their character and not Bethesda's?
I had to do some messy headcanon to bring over my FO3/NV character over, but other than that, I have no trouble RPing her.
I do love Fallout 4 but it's nothing like Fallout 3 story wise. It's not even a 1/2 of the story that Fallout 3 was, and that's not opinion, it's just content that's simply not there.
Yep. Although as I said in a different thread my own personal title would be "Fallout 4: Decent game, too bad it's no longer an RPG."
Now I'm wondering if you know what an RPG is. JRPGs have that "J" there for a reason. The distinction is not small. And as for Bioware? LOL (though I'll admit the first Dragon Age is a prototypical RPG, just not a very good one).
Money talks, son. Too bad that puddle was shallow as [censored] to begin with.
The abundance and reliance on fetch quests is the weakest element to me as far as rpg-experience goes. Getting buckets of paint or baseball cards all fit the wasteland settlement theme, but with more branching and less linearity these quests could be more inspiring and interesting. Now it is basically 1) go to location 2) shoot up enemies 3) return for delivery repeated over and over again. Which by all means is no different from Fallout 3 or vanilla NV, it wasn't until the DLC's came out that NV really came to life and delivered a compelling and cohesive roleplaying story in my opinion.
The SS feels completely like my character. But i could say the same for Shepard in Mass Effect. I like when characters have a background, it gives me more to work with and its easier to make a connection. Guess its just that people roleplay very differently.
Annnnnnd there we have it. Same thing I've been saying for years. You all know what's coming with the next dumbing down Streamlining!
Fallout 5---buy the game and you automatically win!
Looking forward to it. Hopefully i will see you on the forums then aswell? Bought the game, but still complaining about every aspect of it?
Whine. Whine never changes. -Fallout 5 release trailer, 2025
For the record most gamers do not consider JRPG's "role playing games". So trying to compare them in order to make a point is rather irrelevant. This games biggest offender at detaching from the RPG aspect for me, is the MC's voice. Personally, I can overlook all the other things this game lacks, but not the choir boy librarian voice. Heard the female side is better acted. But as it stands now this cat simply does not sound like he belongs in an apocalyptic world.
Trying to debate the "voiced" protagonist argument with comparisons to mass effect or any other bioware game, etc, does not hold water. Those games were fully built with the idea of your character talking. They didn't have multiple iterations in the beginning of the series where your character was mute. Bethesda could have at least had the actor read the script in different characteristics and let you choose which one best suited you.
I really don't think you know what an RPG is, either.
Agreed. Sad too.
I mean , after years waiting.. .this is it? I wonder if the "watering" down was due to Bethesda's attempt to bring in more than just RP'ers?
Don't get me wrong, I love this game. But RPG it is not. it's a shooter with a backstory and a big map too explore.
But it's not the shooter players who keep a game like this alive for years and years (Skyrim is STILL selling). It's hardcoe fans who use and write the mods. Most players enjoying the game right now will play it once and move on to something else.
And to us longtime FO/TES fans, this game is a disservice. I'm hoping the mod kit is rich enough for us to change the game and the DLC's add to the game. But i suspect the DLC's will be like COD's DLCs - more maps = more to shoot.
Because that's all the game seems to offer the most. As I said, I've played 1/3rd of the map already and rarely seen any quests with any interesting designs. In FO3 and NV, I got them pretty much from the get go.
Sounds like an on the point article. The game doesn't seem to give any sort of respectable RPG vibe, just the one of an open world FPS action and activity simulation.
And this part of forum should not have spoilers?
I like action RPGs. I think this game should be more than it is now. Great game, but some things are missing.
Sure will! Will you be there complaining about me complaining?
Sure I do, I own many. Is this really a road you want to travel down though?
Bah. Role-Playing Game isn't a sacred honorific or golden standard, it's a genre classification. A vague one, at that. Fallout 4 isn't any less "RPG" than Chrono Trigger (no control over your character's identity), Mass Effect (much simpler character system than F4, and talk about shooting galleries!), the original Fallouts (really poorly balanced character system that's inconsistent with the actual gameplay), or Daggerfall (all of the above).
I think Bethesda seem to be taking their Fallout series over to a place they're not taking their Elder Scrolls series...maybe they think guns = fps and magical staves = rpg.
They really ought to keep it an RPG however, an FPS is quite dull at the end of the day. RPGs keep things fresh and allow more fun and versatility.