They should fire that guy. Or make him stop writing that kind of opinion based drivel.
Reel him in a bit and have him add more fact instead of lies by omission and over exaggeration.
Basically if you make an accusation of X isn't in the game! Then you better make sure that X isn't in the game and you aren't talking out of your headhole.
The definition of RPG is if you can roleplay a character. You can roleplay in Fallout 4.
Fallout Tactics has traits, skills, perks and tagged skills and no voiced protagonist but no one would even begin to classify it as an RPG.
And has everyone forgotten how F1 and 2 played?
Most of the time was spent shooting and the option to use speech checks and other noncombat skills to diffuse hostile situations were not as frequent as some seem to misremember.
Still awesome though, freaking loved it and am missing that stuff in F4.