Another good article that I agree with most points.
Another good article that I agree with most points.
Skimmed over the article, but I agree with the idea.
I am really enjoying Fallout 4 and I look forward to playing it every day. But I wouldn't call it an RPG.
Unfortunately I completely agree with the article...
Sad state of agreement =(
There will be less replays for me than in any other Beth game. It feels lke it fun and interesting at first, but there's really no reason to repeat it cause it would be exactly the same. No real flavour or variety.
Its not about classification though, its about the lack of freedom and customization there used to be in every bethesda game.
"The protagonist doesn’t feel like my character."
100% agree with this. The new dialogue camera kind of disembodies you from being him. He's kind of like Commander Shepard in a sense. Even though I can tailor his appearance to resemble that of my own, ultimately he gives off a completely different vibe when he speaks and even through the limited choices he makes.
"While Phil was reviewing it for us, every time I turned around to look at his monitor he was firing a gun."
A lot of the game involves getting you into the action. That's why I think the intro was probably a lot shorter than it should have been. But I do think there are a lot of options to avoid gun fights in quests. That being said, one of the most refreshing quests I did was Vault 81's. It literally just involved you getting a tour from a little kid, rescuing some little girls cat, being the guest speaker in a classroom, and just getting to know some legitimately honest and nice people. I really wish there was more of these kinds of encounters in the game.
Felt almost entirely like Fallout 3 in my opinion only better, don't get what all the moaning is about.
Perhaps the first DLC can be "the dark side" of Fallout 4?
those quotes make no sense and clearly have no idea what RPGs are. IF character personality choices mattered to an RPG, then 90% of JRPGs would not be RPGs, and the bioware games would not be RPGs either. even then, i have 3 seperate characters, with 3 seperate personalities.
The shooting gallery remark makes zero sense, as that is EXACTLY how fallout 3 and new vegas were made too. heck, most ACTION RPGS in general are set up this way.
I think the article makes very clear why we are "moaning". But, I respect your opinion and Im happy that you are enjoying the game.
I agree that your RP choices are seriously limited and i don't even know if i'll ever start another character after my first, but hearing FO4 isn't a RPG is quickly becoming my pet peeve. It's an action rpg, period.
Also this a series of rooms linked with corridors, filled with enemies waiting patiently for you to kill them"pretty much describes any video game level ever.
A feature removed in Fallout 4 that makes me have fun playing Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas is one that makes me feel Fallout 4 feels less of a RPG video game, then there are 2 features that have been added again that 1 of which has existed since The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and one new feature which I do not like for the dialogue.
Except in those games there were actually more than one way of solving most quests. You could choose sides, you could recruit allies, you could talk your way out of things and there was usually a less obvious "secret" way of solving things as well. In FO4 you have guns. Lots and lots of guns, and they're pretty much your only problem solver. So much so that I named my custom revolver "The Resolver".
except the "moaning" has nothing to do with it being an RPG or not, becuase anyone who says this is not an RPG do not consider bioware games, JRPGs, or action RPGs in general RPGs, which they are, so the reasoning fails.
um, no, have you PLAYED ANY JRPGs ever? or for that matter, most action RPGs? Dialogue chocies ARE NOT THERE, there is no "other option" at all, you do nto CREATE anything, most of the time, not even your CHARACTER.
RPGs with a personal made character and ability to choose what happens are in the MINORITY of Video game RPGs.
I agreed with most of this. My LW and Couier felt like my characters but the SS feels like Shepard from Mass Effect.
Who is saying that FO4 is not a RPG? Not me and not the author of the article for sure
I was talking about the previous Fallout games you mentioned. Don't know what "JRPG" is.
Japanese RPGs . Games like Final Fantasy and Pokemon.
Ok, you got me. I was wrong.
I do think FO4 is a RPG and disagree with the author opinion regarding this.
Ha, you havn't finished Vault 81 then. Won't spoil it but there's more to do there.
Two things bothers me here. He has not finished the game, and so he doesn't know all the quest content in the game. How can he then make assumptions and make them facts on what little he has seen? I will agree to that some of the sidecontent could have been done better in terms of dialogue and speech/skill check system. Though the main story is actually what an RPG should be in terms of story. Multiple threads, no right answer, shades of gray all over. The writing and acting in these quests is phenomenal. The character is quite set in stone, but i think it was done for the purpose of the main quest, and for me it worked. Still who gets to define what an RPG is?
I finished it. Austin's gonna pull through.
But just the ease into the setting and the people and getting to know Austin as this curious little trouble maker created more urgency to save his life than finding my own son.