Fallout 3: GOTY Does not start

Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:20 pm

Hey guys,

So I bought the GOTY Version of Fallout 3 last December on Steam. It worked perfectly fine and I played over 45 houres without any major troubles.
Now I reinstalled the game. The "Fallout Launcher" starts, where I can choose between "Play, Options, Data Files, Tech Support and Ext". It also scanned my system and set the settings to Medium. So far so good.

But when I click on "Play" the launcher closes, but the game just won't start. I have seriously no clue why this is happening. Since I just downloaded it from Steam, it should be the newest Version. I already installed a new Graphic Drvier for my NVidia card, I redownloaded the game and I did a couple of restarts, but nothing works. I used the taskmanger the check if the game itself even starts, but there is just the GameLauncher, and not the game appearing.

I already asked in the Steam Forums, but there is nobody responding, so I decided I register here.
I play on a normal MacBook with 4Gb of Ram. I use Bootcamp to boot in Windows 7, 32 bit. The weird thing is, that it already worked fine, months ago. So I hope you guys can help me out.


Edit: So, I just tried now to start Fallout 3 with the normal Application in the installed folder. I just gave me the message, that the xlive.dll is missing. I googled a little bit and found out that I need to install Games for Windows life. But why? I cant remember ever using it on my laptop...

Edit2: Ok I solved my problem. Seriously.... why? I just needed to install GFWL. But what for? I dont even need to sign in to start the game. So what was that for? But at least it works now.

Have a nice evening, Seven.
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Elena Alina
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