Fallout 3 "hardcoe"

Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:24 pm

Great thread. I hadnt played FO3 since the release of NV. ...despite 3 being my preference. A lot of great tips here. Most notably, playing without fast travel. I just started a new game incorporating that and a few other of the suggestions here. ...no fast travel definitely gives the game a more realistic feel, and I'm stumbling across different sights I hadn't encountered on my previous 4 or 5 play throughs. It forced me to find a place to squat early on (which Ive never had to before)... on account of only being able to carry so much. The Gibson house in Minefield has served nicely. With fast travel, I'd simply just run to a vender and trade off. Now, there is a certain amount of planning required in what to take on the journey. Not healing limbs is tough when you've suffered severe head trauma, but like many of the other tips here... it introduces a whole new life on the game. ....just extending a thanks to the posters for the ideas. ;)


The no fast travel rule opens the game wide up, in my opinion. Travelling from A to B now uses resources that previously went unspent - ammo, weapon condition, healing items are all now genuine concerns. I'm also discovering new things that I never found before - the unmarked ghoul settlement near VAPL-58 Power Station, for example. You're also right about planning ahead, I've been caught out of ammo and having a broken gun on a few occasions. I now let Clover deal with anything smaller than a giant radscorpion, on account of saving ammo and precious weapon condition of my fragile combat shotgun.

I now don't really have a home anymore, I just sleep where I can now. In any case, I've got no loot to store - the weapon/armour carry limit means I'm carrying all my possessions at any one time.

The only rule that I have relaxed somewhat is the one regarding healing items. Ideally, I'd try a no stimpack rule, since by using them its far too easy to keep in perfect health, while crippled limbs are practically a non-issue. Therefore only a doctor/sleeping would uncripple you, and in true wasteland style, only food/water sources will heal. However, in my current game I've waived this rule for two reasons - 1) I have Clover with me, so getting out of a fight that I can't finish is much more difficult (as well as avoiding some battles altogether) and 2) the constant no fast travel often leaves me with no recent autosave, so I allow to heal with stimpacks in and out of battle in order to not lose the last 10-15 minutes of travel time every time we get jumped by an Enclave patrol.
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:34 am

Great thread, indeed. Im playing with these rules:

* FWE, vanilla configuration, no sprint mod and no V.A.T.S. but bullet time instead. Respawn time = 365 days. Ammunition with weight.
* MMM, with low spawn options.
* RH_IronSights.

* No fast travel.
* Carry capacity limitation: No more than 1 two-handed weapon and no more than 3 weapons in total. No more than 1 armor / outfit.
* Die once, start again.

One of the most important features for me is the respawn time. The game makes sense if it is a long respawn time. The only thing I dont like of Oblivion and Fallout universes is the fact that I can go every 3 days to the same place to kill the same enemies that I know exactly who, how and were are they displayed. If I avoid them, I know they are there and I know that every corner in the world is allways full. This breaks inmmersion for me. It would be perfect if there was a random spawn of enemies in random locations. Not having this, I prefer just a long respawn time that ensures they will not be the same group of men or creatures in the same place every week. That way, leveling and looting became difficult and is necessary a good strategy. This feature makes FWE a must for me.

No fast travel: I agree with winawer. Is just stupid. Even the motorbike feature that cames with FWE. Your character just teleport form one point to the other (bike or not). There was nobody in the way?

Die once, start again: This is a mad rule. I have played some games and allways died but, for some reason, I cant stop to play that way. Mines and sniper rifles seem to be the key. Im at level 7 in my new game.
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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:05 am

The only thing about die once is:

Ever stepped off a bridge or a cliff?
Ever take cover near vehicles?
Ever get trapped by a burning vehicle?
Ever get stuck in the environment to be killed because you can't move?

Done it all. The last one svcks. Maybe give yourself a break and judge each situation.
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maria Dwyer
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:42 am

- I go carefully in bridges and cliffs. If there are enemies, I search for a good position and I check for the best way to escape before shooting. I never fight directly over bridges or cliffs.

- Vehicles... dangerous indeed. I take cover near them just if necessary and just for a few seconds. I avoid them when I expect somebody shoot me.

- Ever get stuck in the environment to be killed because you can't move? If I cant move, thats a bug. If there is a bug I can load my last game, of course. Thats the way I played Oblivion, but it hasnt happened until now in Fallout.
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 3:19 pm

I took a long break from FO3.... Just outside Roosevelt Academy, and heading back to Megaton with Charon. Heading east, and who should I stumble across, but the Wanderer and his pack of dogs...... and three Deathclaws (my character is level 24.) Got my special leather armor off of him.... now I'm happy. I've been intentionally not adding points to small guns, instead allowing for special armor to boost my skills. My highest skill is Big Guns at 95. Except I wasn't carrying a big gun.... Heart beating loudly, no stims, a broken Ol' Painless and the only weapon I have left is Blackhawk..... which is at less than 1/4 health. I knelt down to a puddle to drink, interrupted by two Mirelurk Kings.... Charon, though great as a pack mule, is definitely not helping out by being very slow to engage the enemy. Heartbeat heard loud and clear this time, I sneak to Arefu and thankfully find Doc Hoff, who trades me three stims for a couple of beat up assault rifles.

It's funny how I'm dying to find a hunting rifle to repair Ol' Painless with, but cannot..... at least at this point in time. Stumbled across the B&B down the road, and just now took shelter in Vault 106... there has to be some kind of first aid box in there.....
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