Say I dropped the hunting rifle. I think that it is reasonable, with all the other stuff you are carrying, that you can carry 100 rounds of .32 ammo. So I drop the ammo that goes over that amount. If I have less, I take it home and store it, or, I use it during bartering to level the barter window to zero. The next time I go out, using the Chinese assault rifle in place of the hunting rifle, I leave all .32 rounds at home, as now I am carrying assault rifle ammo. Makes for more space in my virtual backpack.
Interesting. So you allow yourself to carry up to 100 rounds for any weapon that you are carrying and subsequently drop. I assume that you do not pick up to 100 rounds for any other weapon ammo type that you do not have, though.
I'm about to start my first Fallout 3 new game with many of the hardcoe rules we have mentioned here. In particular, the weapon carry limit(which I live by, one dual-handed rifle and any two of pistols/melée/unarmed), your ammo rule, crippled limbs and repair only by a merchant/workbench. I think it will be really tough, especially the repair rule, since it is such a powerful skill to have.
Also my Endurance is 4 and my Intelligence is 3, meaning only 13 skill points per level. So it's on a par with the New Vegas levelling system. With no bobbleheads as well I will no longer be a god like figure by level 20.
It's survival Fallout, the way it should be. :yes: