» Mon Jul 22, 2013 10:46 pm
You should read through. It's a good read, with a lot of great views.
About the garbage. I don't pick it up. The only reason I could see doing that is if you were carrying the Rock-it Launcher.
Agreed with the Intense Training.
I can concede that up to a point for the repairing of items out in the wastes. I've thought about that approach, but I also want my characters to have to pay for repairs. I cap them if I can to a lower repair level.
On the other hand, when a weapon gets pretty damaged, and I want to hold on to it, it forces me to switch to a different weapon. I like being forced to choose, between dropping, say the Xuanlong or switching to a shotgun, with limited range.
I'm not a surgeon. I'm a slaver. My current character's Medicine level is 40. Perhaps it will go to 50, but right now, taking a stim heals about a sixth of his total health, and I like that ratio.
With an Endurance of 4, I can play Dead is Dead on Hard, reasonably well.
With an Endurance of 3, I can play Dead is Dead on Normal, reasonably well.
I allow VATS for my sidearm or my melee/unarmed. I have to choose at the beginning of the character and then that's that. With this character, I've chosen the sidearm; Small Guns is not even a tag skill.
All in all, if I could, I would load all DLC save Broken Steel, and play my game that way, but someone else now has a save for FO3 on the drive so.... yeah.