This is fantastic, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. /thumbsup.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':thumbsup:' />
Regarding the weapon carry limit, I see you are using a three-weapon rule, rather than my variant of one dual-handed + two from pistols/melee/unarmed. I actually find this, coupled with the repair rule, is the most limiting part of the game.
Are you using a no fast travel policy as well? This makes a big difference too, I find. Just travelling from A to B uses resources (ammo/health/weapon deterioration) that fast travel would have avoided. The plus point is that you get to see more of the Wasteland this way, in particular the random encounters. But you have to be well stocked up, if possible.
I'm glad you mentioned the bit about what the game would regard as 'progress'. I was feeling the same way. I realised that, at level 15, I'm still carrying the same equipment that I was using at level 8. Other than my respective skills, nothing else has improved (though I do have Clover now). In contrast, the enemy threat has increased enormously, as I'm recently now encountering Enclave soldiers, Mirelurk Hunters, multiple Yao Guai and even my first Reaver.
I wouldn't end the game after five deaths. Just carry on as normal. I've died in excess of a dozen times so far - sometimes due to being completely overwhelmed, sometimes out of sheer incompetence.
My recent adventures have seen me complete the Waters of Life quest. Standing outside of Rivet City, I wondered about the best way of tackling this, knowing full well what kind of threat was waiting for me. I therefore decided to store my combat shotgun + shells in the locker by the bridge walkway. I then, for the first time ever, picked up the minigun from one of the fallen super mutants from just around the corner. Back to Flak 'n Shrapnel's for an ammo/repair top-up, and we were ready to go. After completing the Dad + intercom part, the quest then entered the combat phase, which resulted in me using all my 500+ 5mm rounds on just two (2) Enclave soldiers. I'm never touching a minigun ever again.
As Dr Li headed down the taft tunnel, I thought I might just have time to retrieve my combat shotgun from Rivet City. No luck, three Enclave soliders were blocking my way out of the Jefferson Memorial. So, I had no option but the head down the taft tunnel too, carrying just a 10mm pistol and a Ripper. Also, sometime before this, Clover managed to somehow get stuck in the drainage tunnel, so I had to continue the rest of the quest without her.

Using all my frag grenades, a fallen Enclave laser rifle, and some strategically placed mines, I managed to get through to the other end. How I did it, I'll never know. But it was great fun. /smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />