I would like to see a true hardcoe,
Where the game will only let you save when you quit the game and it over writes the last save.
Keep the need for food and water, ammo has weight, armor and weapons take damage.
If you shoot someone in the leg to kill them. When you look at the armor, the leg portion is wrecked.
Actions have consequences, if you kill someone. Their friends will try to kill you. Plus if they send 5 people after you and it does not work. Next time they will send 10, 20, 50 and so on.
The best armor and weapons are not keep in a box, they are being used by someone. If you want it, you have to kill them, while they use it against you.
There are places that the bad guys are many levels above you, if you go there, you die.
If you "die" in the game, when you "wake up" someone is helping you. But ALL your gear has already been taking by the bad guys.
In general make the game more a what do I need to do to survive.