Location: Fairfax Ruins. Gear: Night-Vision check. Companions (Moded): Six (Level 8)
We crept along the walls of Fairfax ruins and then my compass lit up with red. There could have been 30 maybe 40, I gripped Old Faithful and fired! The entire street lit up like the Forth Of July machine gun grenades the screams of raiders. There was just to many of them every corner I took and there were more raiders. I was surrounded in an alley my companions elsewhere, both sides I was being fired at. I was hungry, thirsty and almost dead. So I sprinted towards them and knocked some down and ran.
I was now on the main street of Fairfax my companions came screaming around the corner. Guns blazing but they couldn’t last much longer their stim-packs where running low and so was there ammo. Kelsey fled the battle she was smart to do so, but the rest of us held and fought on the streets. Hope came the sun was coming up so I took off Night Vision, only then I realized that I could not win. There were too much raiders, rockets and a mini-guns. It was hell on earth so I started to retreat, rockets where exploding and bolts of lighting flew by my head. One by one my companions fell, I had lost the fight. I will return Fairfax stronger better equipped and every raider there will die. For now you may hold you victory dear, Fairfax is lost.
Now Fallout 3 Gamers, where has there been a battle that you could not win? It does not matter what enemy and where but there must be a fight you could not win.
(NOTE) With many mods the fight was none vanilla!