From minor magazines. They lost all the "big" ones. Bethesda is a company about the big ones. Big sales, big awards, big everything. They failed the awards this year.
From minor magazines. They lost all the "big" ones. Bethesda is a company about the big ones. Big sales, big awards, big everything. They failed the awards this year.
Fallout 4 is going to have a legacy, mark my words, this is game is going to be immense, 5 years from now large amounts of people will be still playing Fallout 4 due to not only DLC but the mods that will take this game into the stratosphere. Besides, the game came out to late for GOTY awards, Bethesda already knew that and don't care.
The Witcher 3 has its own Nexus, I tried to look at it but couldn't as it was covered in cobwebs as no one uses it lol That game is dead. Now look at Skyrims Nexus or any of Bethesda's Fallout/Elder Scrolls games, all jumping with a huge community who love the games. I'm pretty sure if you ask any real Fallout fan if they'd prefer GOTY awards now or years and years of awesome mods and Huge DLC to come, I know which they would chose.
I think Bethesda should've released the modding tools at the same time they released FO4.
Don't want to start a war, but this is very true. Many of the bugs and glitches only happen on PC. There are still bugs on consoles but far more on PCs.
When it comes to modding there is no competition for Bethesda games. The Witcher 3 was a huge success and CDRP already released mod tools for it. At this standing it has about 30 pages on Nexus, and it is a game released in May and was started modding on day one. Fallout 4 so far on Nexus has about 180 pages, since November 10th. So for modding there is a clear victor. That does not factor into awards however. Will Fallout 4 have longer staying power on the market than TW3 because of its modding scene? Definately. Is The Witcher 3 a more polished game with a better story? Yes it is, and it will sell on hype and respect long after its release. Bethesda has been warned that others are out there that are willing to take a share of their awards, and sales. For the next Elder Scrolls we need huge improvements to the overall formula. And this comes from me, and my opinion is that Fallout 4 is a game i enjoy more than TW3, it is not however a better game in terms of things i've stated.
Point is Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 are completly different games the only thing they rly have in common is they are both open word RPG style games, both good games but they excell at completly different things:
-TW3 has great story and good characters-but you have to take into account characters are taken form a succesfull book and they story is also leaning on those same books, so if you take a look at it from clasical RPG style than yeah TW3 is better at it than Fallout 4
-Fallout 4 on the other hand delivers completly different experience its an action RPG heavily focused on exploration(and it also tells a lot of its backstory trough exploration/locations/encounters,terminals etc..), also since you dont play fixed character there is far greater roleplay/replayability value in it, also the world has a lot more stuff to do in it, plus it has much longer staying power(modding etc...), i know that by the time i am done with Fo4 i will have spent many times more hours in it than i did in TW3
About GOTYs sure TW3 won the major ones, but Fo4 was in disadvantage from start being a late year relase(so there was no time to polish it, which is something TW3 has done in months folowing its release. In the end though Fo4 will sell more than TW3 and stay around longer despite not getting as many awards. Both are great games though and i love playing em both(well nowdays its just Fo4 since i am done with TW3 untill the next DLC hits)
And the reason for that is that PCs come in 1000s of variations compared to 1 and only that you have with console, so yeah ofcourse there will be more bugs. However most bugs on PCs can be bypassed using console commands(and mod fixes) while on console if you hit a gamebreaking bug you can go restart the game or loadback an old save and hope it doesnt happen again.
That wud have def helped a lot, since game wud be pretty much fixed by now trough unoffical patches. I do hope they keep their promise and relase it soon(hepofeully before the end of January)
That number is from SteamSpy, not a very reliable source (which is still in beta). It svcks that so many gaming companies don't release sale numbers publicly...
If by "Fallout" you mean "a game set in Fallout universe", sure!
I am glad Fallout 4 is doing so well! I love it!
The more it sells, the more likely we will get another one in the future. Such a fun game. Looking forward to the DLC
This is because Witcher3 is a pain to mod. Also, Popularity =/= quality.
W3 is beating FO4 in GOTY at most sites, and has a much higher average score (both user and critic).
This is the first time Bethesda has lost to another game in the same subgenre in the same year, or even gen. Lets hope they aren't making excuses like a lot of people here, and actually see their own flaws and try to up their quality for TES6. There is nothing more harmful than yes-men and apologists. They have to really amp it up for TES6.
Comparing a game just released with a game that had many patches and DLC aren't making excuses either. Plus, not sure who give authority to a small group of people into declaring anything game of the year. It's like people believe whoever white guy People magazine named as the hottest man alive every year. Opinions are varied, just because a group of people enjoy a game doesn't make it factual when it's more subjective. If I say that Fallout 4 or Witcher 3 is game of the year doesn't make it more or less valid than some hundreds of gaming awards out there nowadays.
You do realise they dont rly have to make any excusies since Fallout 4 is selling superbly well, and while you may not like it that much thats just an opinion and everyone has one of those and they tend to wary a lot. That being said though i do think myself that it lacks some polish, which it will get trough mods/patches and dlcs but in my opinion it has very good potential and like other Bethesda games 5 years form now when TW3 will be long forgoten youll still see decent numbers of people playing Fo4.
The scores were before patches and dlc for W3. But it seems like most places are giving the nod to W3.
What is the last BGS that lost to another open world rpg the same year or even gen?
Yeah. I'm sure Bethesda is crying all the way to the bank over not winning GOTY from various publications. And again, none of those publications are "official" with that award. It isn't like the Oscars or anything. The GOTY is just the opinion of their 4-5 editors / gamers on the site.
Fallout 4 has sold over twice the number of copies in just 6 weeks than the Witcher 3 has sold all year since it's release. Again, that's not an indication of quality of one over the other, but Bethesda has already won the most important popularity contest - the one where you get all the money.
There weren't a lot of open RPG games out there back then, and a lot of the time, they don't release in the same year. I find the game to be a whole lot of improvements over previous games: the companions have their own backstory and personality now, the protagonist actually feels alive, a lot of funny quests, and it takes many and many hours for me to finish the game. I'm not even sure what they could improve on, except for the glitches that happen with every Bethesda game. I got bored with the Witcher 3 very quickly, and it's not an indication of its quality, but my own personal take on the game. As I have already stated, whether they win or lose a game does't mean anything because I don't let a bunch of random people I don't know or care about to tell me what's the best game. They have no authority. What they do is to give their opinions, something that you and I can both do. Popularity doesn't mean quality but winning an award based on a small groups of people's opinions doesn't mean quality either. The question of quality based on gaming taste is a subjective thing in the first place. No one should ever use a gaming award as justification for why a game is the best.
Lets please hope they don't let the sales get to their head like it clearly did with after Skyrim and don't make another game 8.5 game that wasn't even the best open world rpg of the year (I can't find a single place that didn't outscore or outgoty W3 over FO4). And I'm not just talking awards from a single site, It blew FO4 away at almost every where in every way. From critic to user reviews to rpg to goty awards.
They need to be the standard of quality in this genre again, don't you agree with that statement at the least?
I think we should let W3 [censored] enjoy their GOTY awards lol, it says it all that so many of them are on Bethesda's forums trolling instead of playing W3 or using W3 forums, if they even have one That game is dull, it has a beautiful world yes but little content outside the main quest and it's never ending conversations.
But don't you want BGS to go back to being viewed as the top of the genre again in terms of general consensus?
I had my fill of the Witcher comparison on DAI forum and now they have to go here. I don't see it the other way around. If you enjoy the game then fine, no need to tell us how much better your game is to us, we don't care. Just enjoy what you enjoy, that's all.