Fallout 4 is an incredible game. Will become a legend.

Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:32 pm

lol i use an xbox one and don't have any of those problems, the game freezing? that hasn't happened to me even once, geez, i think you're making this all up, infinite load screens? controls stop working? i honestly don't believe you have the game, i haven't had ANY of those issues and i'm playing on an xbox one i bought earlier this year, the only issues i have had is the pip boy blanked out twice in like 150 hrs of gameplay so i had to reboot and some framerate drop in the city area for brief moment here and there but nothing substantial, what people will do to try to downgrade the game isn't even funny

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:53 pm

Yeah because you haven't experienced the problems then no one else does either. That's some really solid logic you've got there. I guess the other threads that were created alerting Bethesda to those very issues were all made up nonsense too, right?

By the way: https://www.flickr.com/photos/137192349@N07/sets/72157661508202252

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 3:14 am

I think I agree with you. I think if they work with the building side of it and tweak it to be a bit more user friendly then they are really going to have something here.

How awesome would it be if they allowed modders make custom graphics for building? Or heck, even had downloadable packs for $1.99 in the Playstation store (Or Steam or however xbox does it.).

Now, what they need to do is satisfy the child in me and let us rebuild the railway system for the city. Virtual HO scale train layout in the Fallout world. Oh my.

And I don't think it's going to have any replay value at all ... I think it's a situation where you will never be able to stop playing. I already have dozens of hours invested in to building settlements and structures and supply lines. Why would I ever want to start all over?

I'm a little bummed out that it didn't follow more closely to F3/NV, but I really do love what they gave us. I'm very happy.


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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:37 pm

Welcome to the forums.

F4 will become a Legend? Like Destiny? Hehe, joking aside as an old school fan it seems that just like how Skyrim became the best ES game, Fallout 4 will become the best Fallout game and their best game to date.

So many things have been improved and made better since my first game of F2.

Just need to fix all the bugs, problems, glicthes and issues first before it can be worthy of that title.

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Chris BEvan
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:44 pm

I was practically raised with Fallout and I'm happy that my favorite franchise is still going. I can't and won't decide which Fallout was best, as almost all of them (with maybe the exception of Fallout 2 - which was still awesome) had their own (new) gameplay mechanic(s) that was interesting enough to keep me busy for hours on end. Fallout 4 is no exception to this and is an awesome addition to the franchise.

I don't care if it's the best or deserves a game of the year award. To me personally, Fallout 4 will be legend and proudly stand on my list of games I hold dear.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 6:45 pm

wtf ppl don't post spoilers without spoiler alert. I'm talking about who started speaking about the institute and BOS being similar
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:41 pm

I agree with the OP and i have been playing Fallout since nr 1 sure some things changed/got simplified but the base game is still very enjoyable and most of those changes are just what the market nowdays demands(sorry to say that but the days of old RPGs are over at least among the AAA titles since nowdays the target audience for a game like Fallout 1/2 wud be to small for large budget titles, now dont get me wrong those games were briliant back than but not all progress is bad and most of the issiues those people have will be fixed via moding).

But yeah Fallout 4 def has a good chance of becoming a legend if the updates/DLCs deliver and ofcourse lets not forget the mods which as always will let you to tailor the game to your own personal preferences(and mods in my opinion are what sets BGS games apart from the rest and gives em longevity and replayability for years to come)

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 4:51 am

i doubt you even play it, you like to just hang out on game forums of games you don't like and talk about how bad they are, who you think you're foolin?

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 5:02 pm

Anyone who can call this a buggy mess clearly did not play New Vegas on launch day!!!!

I played for 30 hours without any issues and now have a major game breaker which has halted any progress through the main story, but that is miles apart from the first days spent with New Vegas.

I personally couldn't say its the best BGS game just yet, Fallout 3 has too many memorable moments, people and locations which live long in the memory but that is not to say that Fallout 4 will not overtake it eventually for me. I'm only 5 hours in compared with 300 plus on FO3 so it's not really a fair comparison.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:45 pm

"OMG! How can you like this!? This is not Fallout 1 or 2! You are NOT allowed to like this!" - Game hipsters.

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 1:07 am

Not nearly as much as New Veges though. 4 has a lot going for it (Glowing sea is pretty epic), but it also has a lot going against it. Voice for example. That splits up the playerbase ultimately due to such a large change. And the dialog wheel is something that should have remained in Mass Effect, voice aside. And there's other flaws I could touch on. Only junk tech in settlements (No fancy high tech institute stuff for you). Vague dialog and not knowing exactly how one replies (let alone lead a conversation). Forced into being good, at least at the start. Still only 10 or so NPCs in a city. And so on. Worst of all there's things like magic guns with infinite ammo and survival being nothing but bullet spongy without the option of mutations on easier difficulties. And I don't care for the default armor types at all. It's mainly just a chest piece with maybe some shoulder/leg pads that leave gaps. Want something that looks better? You must wear a uniform or power armor. And I just remembered how easy it is to obtain that and a minigun, making the players not work for/earn good equipment.

Look, I get it, you like the game. But saying "It will become legend" is a bold statement. And the game simply has too many flaws, at least for others if not you. For a game to be "legend" it needs to have a minimum of flaws and be able to appease everyone somehow. Difficult but not impossible. There's just too many here. And something like adding voice takes the game in a completely different direction, which again, is good for some, but down right tragic for those that have identified "themselves" as the character in the series. The series has changed. It will be worse for many that have enjoyed the series thus far. And there's no option to not have voice. Seriously, it should have been an OPTION IMO, not forced upon all players.

And when I say "themselves" I mean purely them as they imagine themselves to be. Or the characters they wish to be. You can't just "pretend this character doesn't have these traits and didn't do good/bad things at the start", because it's already forced it's way into the immersive world and has become a part of the games environment/lore and plot.

Oh look, someone that thinks ONLY their own opinion matters. I can at least recognize that there are people that see things in the game that I don't perosnally like but others do. I don't find that "sad". I'm happy for them. Even if some of the games elements don't personally make me as happy.

For some reason, despite its flaws, I actually preferred 3. Which I like less then NV. Perhaps because there's more to offer outside of the main city areas (seeing yet another farm that offers the same old "help me the same way every time and I'll join" gets old fast). Though I do like the random roaming factions in 4. Enclave dropping in also has its merits though. Why don't people drop troops in 4 again?

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 6:27 am

And how do you exactly now that?

Games 10 times deeper than Fallout 4 have been made in way less time.

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naome duncan
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:30 pm

Maybe. Maybe not.

It feels like, even after all the years in development, the game doesn't have as much content as Skyrim did. It's like Beth cut every corner they could by;

-Only making 1 real city, but giving us the tools to make our own

-Only making a handful of weapons, but relying on a borderlands-esq system to make many more

-Not making many quests, but having infinite generated ones

-Using a limited dialogue system so they didn't have to do as much writing

I like the game, but it feels like they really gutted it compared to previous installments. Personally, I hate the reliance on generated content as many of the guns feel the same and the radiant quests become dull extremely fast. IDK, something about it just doesn't feel like Fallout. To me, it gives off the vibe that it'll be popular for a short while, but then fade away once something new comes out.

They turned Fallout into an FPS, closer to something like Farcry than to what it once was. But Beth owns the IP, so they can do with it what they want :/ I'll always have mods.

(No, I'm not a dinosaur. Didn't care for 1 or 2, loved 3, and greatly enjoyed NV)

But back on point; Do I think it's a legendary game? No. It's good, but I don't think it outshines the previous installments. Maybe after the DLC and some mods my opinion will change.

EDIT: Everything Taramafor said above

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