And there is bayonets that can be added to apparently any ranged weapon since Bayoneted Triple Barrel Missile Launcher has been shown in a video. Also, gun stocks increase melee damage.
And there is bayonets that can be added to apparently any ranged weapon since Bayoneted Triple Barrel Missile Launcher has been shown in a video. Also, gun stocks increase melee damage.
S7 is almost definitely about recoil - you can see how Vault Boy's arm is all noodly but he's holding the gun steady. S8, I'm not so sure - nobody would hold a gun like that for melee or for firing or for anything really, except like it was the spoils of war. S9 I'm guessing has to do with your ability to knock down opponents (chopping down a tree) and resisting stagger/knockdown yourself (staying firmly planted on the ground). S10, this is a wild guess, is about being able to knock people down while sprinting.
Smaller guns are handled by Agility, with Gunslinger and Commando. Strength 7 is possibly a combo of melee gun attacks and Weapon Handling. I also wouldn't be surprised in Agility 9 affects sprint speed and also travel times while fast travelling. The previously thought Slayer perk, may be connected to the Grognak series, as Slayer is based around Conan the Barbarian. Strength 10 may be connected with Unstoppable Force. Perception 2 also reminds me too much of the Cowboy perk Perception 1 is probably Pick Pocketing, because it looks like the VB is looking for a key to unlock the lock, where as Perception 4 looks like he has a lock-pick and thus does need to pick pocket. I also very much doubt too many ranged weapons will be connected to the Strength 4 perk (as some people speculated after the Strength video). Strength 8 has something to do with being a Sheriff, as I read that in the poster behind the VB.
I just noticed some of these comments have already been observed and added to the chart.
I'm guessing S9 has something to do with stability (roots holding VB from being knocked down) as well. Also appears it could be some sort of melee damage / knockdown to foes.
EDIT: Correct perk (S9 instead of S8).
Its good to finally have a more complete picture of the perk chart
No, because any perks that give you boosts when irradiated would be under Endurance.
probably, though if they really wanted they could move it under any of the other specials. For example under intelligence, justification would be "your education lets you fully understand the effects of radiation and what causes it, letting you better adapt"
Why? There is a perk that improves carry weight in Charisma, so why must radiation boosts be only in Endurance? Pick Pocketing has moved from Agility to Perception. I mean look at the image, it's an Atom. Additionally, Atomic! may not do all the same things that it did in NV, and would actually be an interesting high level resistance perk in the Intelligence column.
It looks like P7 has something to do with radiation as well (although it is listed as "Awareness" in this wiki, which makes no sense to me...)
Lone Wanderer is a little out of place, but I think they had nowhere else to put it. Pickpocket in perception makes sense.
The symbol made me think it had something to do with nuclear power and building mini-nukes. Plus, atomic would essentially do the same thing as Endurance 9.
That's a little shaky from a roleplaying perspective. I'd rather be able to work on Nukes, power my settlement, etc. etc. at Intelligence 9 than to walk around as a radiation sponge because I "understand" the effects of radiation. Plus, it would seem to be just a watered down version of Nuclear Anomaly at Endurance 9.
If it really was about absorbing more radiation then you would see that in the picture just like Endurance 9. I think it means nuclear power + nuclear weapons.
Could make sense. If you understand the effects of Radiation, you know what medicine works best, you know what to do to prevent it from getting worse, etc
Ghoulification has not been confirmed. Endurance 9 could be Rad Child which increases health regeneration when irradiated and it goes well with Intelligence 9 being Atomic! which increases run speed, attack speed, and AP regeneration. Direct control of Dogmeat hasn't been confirmed either, but animals as companions has been confirmed if you can call helping you out for a short period of time to be a companion.
That "infiltrator" perk is definitely wrong, there. The image is of Vault Boy shooting through the wall and the author took that to mean you can attempt another lockpick if the lock brakes? That perk would way more likely be a higher rank in the lockpicking perk, PER level 4.
That has more to do with stimpaks though than with resistance etc
I just don't understand the chinese water torture approach to releasing all the info about the perk system. They should just release all the names and descriptions for each perk (as well as descriptions of each rank of each perk) so people can start planning their characters in an informed way. This doesn't hurt game play, reveal any spoilers or hurt sales. In fact, it would be a huge promotional bonus to the game and the fans would appreciate it. I can understand why tey don't want to release too much game footage before the release but game mechanics changes are not spoilers and releasing this king of info can only be a benefit to bethesda and to the community.
I9 could be an improvement on the use of energy weapons. Consider that there are non-crafting perks dedicated to pistols, rifles, automatic weapons, big guns, and presumably snipers - while Energy Weapons may fit into these perks, I would be surprised if there wasn't something dedicated solely to improving pew-pews other than a crafting perk in Science!.
Medic affects Stimpaks and RadAways rather than just stimpaks. It is possible that I9 deals with Rad-X, but I think you are correct where I9 is Atomic! where your character uses the power of the atom to be stronger and faster. Although, it would be cool if you could create unique nuclear weapons like radioactive melee weapons or a ranged weapon that fires a focused blast of radiation at a target so everything around the target is fine, but the target is irradiated. After all, such a weapon would be extremely effective if npcs can use healing.
Stimpaks are medicine. The bottom-line is that having that as an intelligence perk would really svck and not be worth investing points into.
That would make Nerd Rage redundant then.
p9 looks to me perk for shooting baddies thru walls
I'm still trying to figure out where explosives are.
Atomic! deals with radiation while Nerd Rage! deals with missing health. Also Atomic! increases your speed, attack rate, and AP regeneration with +2 Damage Threshold while Nerd Rage! increases Strength to 10 and gives +15 Damage Threshold. Therefore, these perks are supplementary not redundant.
remeber on todd's post he said many of older perks rolled into one of 70 perk trees quote "
These additional ranks do require your character to be a higher level. This allows us to make some powerful Perk ranks that reward your investment in a certain SPECIAL as well as that individual Perk. It also allows us to fold Perks we liked from previous games into Perk ranks in this new system. For example, the Fallout 3 perk Paralyzing Palm (paralyze enemies through hand-to-hand), now becomes the Rank 5 Perk for Iron Fist. But you need to have chosen the previous 4 ranks of Iron Fist and be level 46. We also pushed old Perks to do new things at higher ranks. Strong Back doesn’t just up the amount you can carry; higher ranks of it allow you to fast-travel while encumbered or even run while encumbered at the cost of Action Points."
so if i were guess i say id say its rolled into P5