Very cool!
If it's okay with you, for the next FWE release + FOIP update I'd like to adjust the FWE compatiblity so the soon to be integrated classic fallout weapons mod can use the new WMK mod's to the extent possible. This includes the FN FAL, Desert Eagle, P90, L1A1, Wattz 2000 Laser Rifle, and the Wattz 1000 Laser Pistol.
Incedentially, if you felt like continuing this beautiful trend, you might consider making WMK mods for the G11, M60, .223 pistol, tommygun, and the LMG from classic fallout weapons. =) I'm not sure if those are included in FOOK or not.
Yep - that's fine: go ahead. This is one of the reasons I thought it'd make sense to include the required meshes in the WMK FOIP package itself; so that different patches could use them.

I'm not
planning to do anything with those other weapons mentioned (right now I'm very much in a "geez that took a long time; don't wanna do
that again!" sort of mindset), and if I did add any more weapons, it wouldn't be until after FOOK v2.0 is released - for the reasons LinkesAuge says.
Exelent news! But what about FOOK+FWE?
I answered this in the comments section on the FOIP Nexus page, but I'll say it here too, since it might help a number of people:
Mezmorki was actually the one who made the WMK-FOOK+FWE patch, rather than me; but I did just have a *quick* look at it. From what I can see (feel free to jump in here, Mezmorki), using the WMK-FOOK patch with WMK, FOOK and FWE installed would work just fine. WMK-FOOK and WMK-FOOK+FWE look to be
very similar (barring the new additions to WMK-FOOK, of course).
Some things would be tweaked or 'balanced' more like in FOOK and WMK (projectile speed, for example), but I don't think it would feel too different from using the WMK-FOOK+FWE patch (this is just for vanilla weapons, of course). The most noticeable difference I can see is that the ability to modify unique weapons would be restored.
Note that I haven't actually tested this in-game: I don't use FWE, myself.