Thanks for that, I stuffed up the hyperlink but its all fixed now 
Haha no problem mate be sure to come back later to check it out.
I've tried to make sure I haven't added too many articles that say the same things as previous articles but at the same time making sure I have a few articles which say similar things so they can back eachother up. If I have 5 articles that seem like they're repeating eachother 2-3 of them are but the rest have more information then the previous ones.
Not a problem mate
Haha no problem mate it should be updated daily and depending on what day it is even hourly.
Not a problem mate
The amount of new things they are bringing to F4 has me very excited but I understand your concerns I was previously concerned about having a voiced character and I still have player freedom and roleplaying concerns but there's so much to get excited for.
Added it mate
Ok I've been up for the past hour adding links there hasn't been anything substantial just a few small details here and there.
New articles -
Bethesda has no plans to offer paid mods for 'Fallout 4' - - Todd Howard - 20th June
The insane pre-order bonus for 'Fallout 4' is sold out everywhere - Business Insider - Article - 20th June
The System of Fallout 4 Allows A Deep Level of Interactivity - - Pete Hines - 20th June
Bethesda admit they had to water down Fallout 4's graphics - - Pete Hines - 20th June
Fallout 4 graphics ‘dialled back’ in favour of complex systems - - Pete Hines - 20th June
Fallout 4: Bethesda will dial back graphics in favour of complex systems - PCGamer - Pete Hines - 20th June
Fallout 4 Interview: "We're Probably Doing Too Much" - Gamespot - Todd Howard - 20th June
'Fallout 4' is miraculous - - Article - 20th June
E3 2015 Best In Show Award - Fallout 4 - - Article - 20th June
Fallout 4: Return of Enclave? New Faction Confirmed? Screenshot Comparisons, Console Mods and Paid Mods - International Business Times - Article - 20th June
Fallout 4 Pip-Boy Editions Are Driving People Nuts - Kotaku - Article - 20th June
New Articles (German) -
Fallout 4 - Bethesda discovered even after 400 hours of play new things - - Todd Howard - 20th June
Fallout 4 - "Pip-Boy Edition": Amazon France has copies - - Article - 20th June
Fallout 4 - developer on better shooter mechanics, more than 400 hours of game time, paid mods, the peculiarity of the world and the graphics - - Todd Howard - 20th June
Founded Bethesda - Fallout 4 - More bright and colorful than Fallout 3 - - Todd Howard - 20th June
I also added some MrMattyPlay's videos to the Youtuber section.
Also from now on I'll only be personally finding German articles as I can understand some words without having to get a translator up and since they seem to have the most articles about fallout 4 which aren't in English. However if anyone does find articles whether it be Russian, Mandarin, Cantonese, Spanish, etc that adds information message me or post here and I'll add it.
Remember guys keep posting and keep talking the more often this thread will be updated and the more popular it'll become.