am I the only one wondering what the hell the game looked like if this is what they consider "dialed back graphics"?
am I the only one wondering what the hell the game looked like if this is what they consider "dialed back graphics"?
Pete already confirmed that is a misconception.
When he said "dialed back the graphics" he meant that they didn't go as far as they could have with the graphics in order to focus more on the gameplay systems.
Not that they literally had better graphics at one point then downgraded them to what we see now.
"i just meant we didn't push graphics as far as we could in order to allow for other things"
ah ,thank you for the clarification (side note I'm fine with the graphics now ,but I was just thinking "how could they have made this look better ?It's already light years ahead of the last fallout.")
So when is this so called Pax Prime? I'm starved for more Fallout.
a question I'd like answered as well ,Need my Fallout fix (I've watched the E3 demo 60 plus time already )
Yes. Someone a few posts earlier said they would be perfectly fine with a gameplay vid of the pc just walking around, shooting random objects.
Honestly I couldn't agree more, I dont need ground breaking new footage. Just new footage.
hell they could end a lot of debates by just going through all the menus of the pipboy and explaining what they added /removed and why. August 28-31 in Seattle.
As I said earlier, Quakecon should be the next big game show info dump on July 23-26...
I can see it now: During the demo, everyone will start yelling "Shoot it!" "Kill it!" "Burn it down!" "YEAHHAHAH DEATH!"
That was my pet peeve when Todd showed the Skyrim demo at Quakecon in 2011, everyone kept shouting death calls...
Yep, a bunch of inebriates yelling "Tea Bag her...." and being total a**holes. Hopefully they've a better method to combat the madness this time...
What made it worse was was when Todd was actually talking, giving info and not attacking anything, he literally walked up to a horse while talkiing about how the horse system was changed compared to Oblivion then everyone was all
If Quakecon is the place they reveal more gameplay of Fallout 4, when I watch the footage those people will give me a headache.
Man can this thread drop, any news on getting this Pinned yet? Because all of this information is highly useful.
yeah my bad about quakecon
i still have bets on gamescon/pax prime being first time its playable not disrespecting quakecon just that those cons are closer to the street date and todd mentioned in couple places that game is under going huge amount QA testing atm so should be better shape early/late August than july
You could be right on this as far as attendees at PAX getting a chance to actually play the game. Pretty sure that's what happened with Skyrim in 2011.
Quakecon will be more of an informational presentation, probably various on stage discussions, and a reveal of how the game mechanics have been "updated". They're also likely to discuss a little more of what the main story and protagonist are all about...
new interview i found with pete hines at the time of the posting 17hours old lol
so beth really goes all out on quakecon now thats cool
Great find! Interesting read, first real new info in a while. Crafting looks to be more robust than I initially thought.
yeah gamesrader found them randomly in google search lol great site
And here's a related thread on customizing music features within the crafting suite. Juke box fabrication and programming confirmed.
Now if I can create my own radio station within this or at least access it via the pip boy while traveling.. That's a big one off the wish list!
Can't wait for Quake con, i hope they will cover leveling and perk systems.
i hope they do too i need more info on how things will work. the questions in my head are driveing me insane
i need change of pants