yes, here.
actually, these screens don't look like fallout _at_all_. what tells us it's fallout is what's shown, but not how it looks, that's just totally not fallout. too saturated, most of all 
you ever happened to see the screens from this abandoned fallout online game from that bulgarian studio (forgot the name, sry)? that's more what these screens look like.
in contrary, i think fo3 caught the feeling pretty well, letting aside the 2d/3d thing. it just LOOKED like fallout. if you had played the 1st two parts, known nothing of fo3's existence and then be shown a screen or 2 of it, you'd say hey, isn't that fallout?
and being at disagreeing
, i also disagree with your whole mainstream thing.
1) fallout isn't mainstream.
shooters are mainstream. the classic shooter player frowns at fo because it's an rpg and has no realistic whatever gun nut bs 
. and the classic rpg player also frowns on fo, because it has guns and not swords and no magic whatsoever except if you take rads for mana.
and the classic flappy birds player (ok THAT's mainstream
) frowns at fo anyway, because it's an rpg, has guns, takes more than 1 finger to operate and, most of all, is fallout 
fallout is and will be a niche product. it might be a millions players niche, but it still is a niche.
2) you're taking the term "mainstream" like in music business, where a quasi-monopolized industry took about any musical underground movement, cut all edges off it and cleaned it of everything interesting and then produced soulless clones of it to feed their format radio minions so they'd have stg to fill the breaks between the commercials with.
neither did computer game industry, in past times anyway, let's see about the future, have structures like this, nor would that work on a grand scale, which you can see by the awful flops 99% of me-too-games or, like, license ridden games-to-the-movie are.
and least of all does it apply to bethesda, counting in id, they WERE, in similarity to music business, that "underground movement", they MADE the stream, and if it gets main, it's THE OTHERS running with it that make it that. w-a-s-d? fps? sandbox rpg? hell, before doom, an "action game" was basically a jump and run with a gun. before morrowind, the top notch of rpg looked and played like lands of lore, anybody remember THAT? you just can't compare that to dunno some bloody bubble gum r'n'b producer.