Like all of you i'm also very excited for Fallout 4, i have a quick question though. Has a karma system actually been confirmed yet, or will it be more like Skyrim?
Like all of you i'm also very excited for Fallout 4, i have a quick question though. Has a karma system actually been confirmed yet, or will it be more like Skyrim?
I honestly have no clue if karma will even be a factor in this installment, as I've personally not seen anything to prove it's existence. We do know there have been a lot of changes, and it wouldn't surprise me if they simply got rid of it.
Keep in mind we've seen quite a number of shots of the Pipboy, and not once have I noticed a Karma score.
Still, this would be a pretty big change, as Karma's always been a part of Fallout.
No Karma acheivements either apparently. So I'll say it's unlikely.
It's true that there are no karma-related achievements that we've seen so far, but it's also likely that Bethesda realized that it took 3 playthroughs to get all karma achievements - one with evil karma, one with neutral karma, and one with good karma - and that that's no fun for the average player who doesn't want to have to play with a karma they don't agree with. Just a thought.
Personally, on its own I hate the karma system, a faction karma-reputation system makes a lot more sense and sounds more fun to me.
Completely agree. Karma was a good system, but lately it's felt broken and meaningless.
Good karma for killing a feral ghoul? Bad karma for stealing a can from people that stole the can to begin with?
You could slaughter an entire colony of farmers for nothing, and then make it up from simply defending yourself from feral ghouls. It made no sense.
edit: Fo3's Karma system made sense.
I didn't either until it was pointed out to me by a friend of mine that's even more hardcoe than me. (he hated NV)
edit: I loved NV, but their Karma system was FUBAR.
Wasn't the good karma for killing ferals only at repcon? Because it was part of the quest from the Novak guy? (can't rememeber the snipers name)
It was everywhere, from what I understood. If you can show me otherwise, I'd be happy to know.
I got good karma for killing ghouls all over the place in NV...outside Primm near the large radioactive pool beyond the NCR encampment, in tunnels... anyway it was common enough that it stood out to me. I'm currently playing this game.
But even in 3, karma just felt like a nuisance more than an immersive addition to the gameplay, which is why I'd far prefer a faction-type karma/reputation system instead, like in NV but better.
Really? I don't rememeber it being a constant thing. I do rememeber some of the ghouls outside repcon but not the ones inside? I'll have to run through again and check. But yeah karma hasn't meant that much it seemed like. Reputation seemed to mean more than overall karma
Well, it wasn't all the time, just common enough. Plus yeah, karma mattered pretty much not at all in NV, whereas in 3 it affected much more, namely which companions would join you and stick around and faction reputation was the key mechanic, and was far more well done that 3's karma system.
No, it didn't. Karma been broken in both 3 and NV. NV made up for Karma failures with the Reputation system. In FO3 you could be super evil, give a dude some bottled water, and lo and behold, you're a nice guy again. Who cares that you murdered people right, water totally made up for it....
RIP broken karma system.
You will not be missed.
Actually it was Manny Vargas who gives the quest to go take care of the ghoul problem at Repconn.
That's right thank you. Boone is the whole "Wife" quest.
If they dont have Karma, theyll have something else and most likely better in its place. Basically an advanced version of it.
There is some form of system as seen in the achievement Benevolent Leader ("Reach Maximum Happiness in a Large Settlement").. Karma was pretty bad anyway and I liked the faction system they had in Fallout New Vegas.
i think no karma is good - i dont like it if other people tell me what is considered "good" or "bad"...fallout should be a game thats 90% grey
Good eye, but that isn't related to karma at all but rather just the happiness level of the people living in your settlement, just like in Fallout Shelter.