It has it's problems like literally every other game (Many of the ones you listed are also in Fallout 3 which I find odd that you haven't noticed) but it doesn't svck at all.
It has it's problems like literally every other game (Many of the ones you listed are also in Fallout 3 which I find odd that you haven't noticed) but it doesn't svck at all.
You're welcome I did exactly the same. First play through was totally vanilla, faults and all, as Bethesda envisioned.
Now I'm on my second play through the gloves are off I'm looking forward to seeing what the modders have for us once the GECK is released. They have out done themselves already!
you can't be serious on that one?
Visiting hundreds of caves and dwemer ruins, that all look the same; fighting the same draugrs and falmers in every single quest over and over.
so much diversity
why do you all Obsidian fans hang around in the Fallout forums, if Obsidian brought out Pillars of Eternity not too long ago?
shouldn't you be playing that one instead?
Welcome to Massachusetts. Where else can you traverse 6 states in less than a day?
Why are you continually assuming that anyone who doesn't agree with you on everything is an Obsidian really devoted fan?
It's really unattractive.
I agree with you about Fallout 4 being more diverse than Skyrim, you should have just stopped there.
I don't think they are Obsidian fans, more like Fallout fans. Seeing as Bethesda also make Fallout games it does make perfect sense that they are on the official forum.
Both Games has copy/paste Dungeons but Skyrim had atleast unique Stories for almost every Dungeon. Fallout has less Background Stories, just more bang bang. There are some but not many of them are noticeable. The Interiors of Fallout looking all the same too. But the diversity is on Skyrim Side.
Fallout has:
- Mutant Dungeons
- Raider
- some Synths
- some Gunners
- Animals
Skyrim has:
- Bandits
- Draugr
- Dwemer
- Forsworn
- Hargraves
- Wizards
- Animals
- Werewolfs
Most of the Enemies had a unique Style for Dugneons.
It's a great game, not by any means pefect, but with mods it will be amazing. It's the best base to work with bethesda has ever made.
I think I understand. The quests feel like you're just doing things for other people who aren't even slightly grateful. My settlers steal my stuff. Preston is a thankless tool. Hey General, we got a call from the kitchen, you need to go make me a sandwich.
What I really dislike most, mechanics wise, is the lack of ammo types. Legendary weapons.. are pretty awful way to go about it. I do like legendary armors though. It gives a reason why a person might mix and match various bits of armors. I also like the idea of boss monsters, and them having unique abilities (well once the kit comes out and they can do something besides heal)
I also dislike the dialogue checks, or more precisely the lack of them. Gone are checking for various perks to open up unique ways of solving quests. But thats a far smaller concern.
edit: I wonder how exactly new vegas implemented the whole ammo system. As in could it give modders an idea on how to replicate the system in fallout 4?
Gimme a sword and a shield anyday over guns...that said i'm still enjoying F4 but will most likely drop it like a stone when the next Tes comes out..
That made me laugh
I don't understand how we can be the leader of the Minute Men yet have no real power to do anything. We can't ask people to join. We can't assign Minute Men to do some of those protection quests. We just take orders all the time.
Fallout 4 doesn't svck, it just underwhelms.
I enjoyed Fallout 4 immensely on its own merits, but it was also fugacious compared to every other BGS game.
I've personally never reached the mental state of 'being done' with a Fallout game this quickly.It took about 4 years to reach this point in my adventures with Fallout 3, and I still have a hankering to return to Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas, if time allows for such an excursion. But Fallout 4 feels like 'every other game' to me; fun though fleeting and soon to be forgotten in the grey mulch of my gaming history.
I don't think it svcks, at all really...I like it a lot..
however, for me, I think replay is lacking...I replayed FO3 and NV many times..but in both of them games it was the little nitpicky things that bothered me doing over (hacking, lockpicking, listening some dialogues)...although I still replayed them, I was disappointed in FO4 for having them same aspects...I just think I am a little burned out with those..
I do have hope for some good DLCs tho, and just like the previous 2 fallouts, I'm certain I will play FO4 a few more playthroughs over the next few years..
(I'm kinda hoping for at least a couple of the DLCs to take place on the current original map, and add more to it)
I agree man.
Just having something like hollow point and armor piercing rounds would be great. I mean granted some of the weapons already have armor piercing mods for the receiver (i think it was) but other ammo types would be great. Add Junk Rounds and Wadcutters to the Hollow Points and Armor Piercing and I'm pretty happy.
Energy Weapons could have like Half Charge rounds (half the damage but twice as many shots) and Overcharge Rounds. Maybe Flamer Fuel that burns hotter.
If you're on PC there are mods to make Lockpicking and Hacking dead easy or you could give yourself the Perks to make both easier. Hopefully the Easy Lockpicking and Hacking mod comes to XB1/PS4 quickly after they start that up.
Well, I hate NAY! Loath! Skyrim . I find it drill and boring. And I am a middle age man which was at one time a young boy dreaming of vanquishing dragons and knights; One that learned to craft armor and medieval weaponry. So, I guess we all have opinions of what a good game is? I think fallout 4 is a really good game. Just needs a little work to make it more RPish. * Shrug *
Man after playing for several hundred hours the game kinda got svcky.
Bethsada needs to fix this!
Maybe I played my fill which is unlikely so obviously its the companies fault
Fix This!
That's kinda what I get from threads mostly.
Wall of text! Paragraphs are your friend, really they are. Want to be taken more seriously, use paragraphs other wise, it just looks like whine/crying/tantrum than real criticism. It took me three tries to read what the original poster is trying to say.
At first I thought this was just another rant, but finally see the original poster made some good points. Just a shame it was hard to read.
That being said, yes Fallout 4 has a lot of faults. For me, at least right now still not a lot of hours in, see these faults, but I also see a lot of good as well. So in 30 or 40 hours of playing I am liking Fallout 4 a lot. We all have different tastes and I guess you are just not liking the flavour of Fallout 4. Hopefully Bethesda can season it for your so it will be more to your liking through patches or DLC if you are willing to try it again.
Oh Its not the ease of it trust me I'm a pro at both, I've stated in plenty of other threads that I just wish they would have changed it up a little this time around...that's why I said I am probably just burned out on it all..
(and no I'm not on PC either)
well the map is bigger than both NV and fallout 3, twice the locations, more complex locations, NV had a lot of locations that were just a small shack, a few tents, a trash pile, small cave, that map was far more simple and barren, it didn't have nearly as much to do overall, fallout 4 dlc isn't even out yet, its gonna no doubt add more of everything, i get what you're saying but if you're gonna say there's less to do in both NV and fallout 3, thats totally not true, but you think obsidian would make a game with more content? nope, fallout 4 has 10 times the content as NV did and far more complexity, and obsidian has no rights to the fallout franchise and so its really not up to them but my guess is they will never touch the fallout franchise again and mostly because of the older rpg crowd that constantly has bashed bethesda since aquiring the franchise, they extended the olive branch to obsidian and the old rpg fans by letting them make NV and it backfired, so i doubt they will let that repeat ever again.