So i'm trying to start Fallout 4 and it launches properly except that the tab doesn't open. The process is on but i can't the game to turn up on my monitor. I only hear audio but get no video. I'd appreciate help
So i'm trying to start Fallout 4 and it launches properly except that the tab doesn't open. The process is on but i can't the game to turn up on my monitor. I only hear audio but get no video. I'd appreciate help
I get that lot too. Have you tried alt-tabbing into it?
Yeah still no video from fallout, just audio :S
Note* Im running this in windowed mode. If i run this in fullscreen it just crashes automatically... Please help <3
It's possibly that whatever is crashing your opening video is simply still crashing it in windowed mode. Look if there are ways to bypass the videos in the .ini files. If not, you could attempt to replace (after doing a backup) the video files in question with 0 kilobyte placeholders. No guarantees that will work, but it sounds like it might be worth a try.
Thanks, but in window mode if i move my mouse cursor down to the fallout tab, not clicking it just letting it be there. I can see the game, i can see the main menu, intros and all that stuff. But the tab doesn't open when i try to...