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Josh Hamrick - not a name I recognize but apparently he's an expert on controls. I only know that because I saw an article this morning about the Vita optimization he helped with.
From what I've seen, all I can say is that I look forward to playing it. So I personally don't find it looks boring in the slightest. Any proper conclusion will be made when it finally releases and I experience it for myself.
Its been 7 years since Fallout 3? Really? Damn.
Anyways, im not that big on the new dialogue system either, but so much about this game looks fantastic. Its ultimately up to you to decide if you want to buy it or not, and we shouldn't influence you, but keep in mind that coming to a fan forum and talking about how the game its dedicated to is ultimately boring isn't going to win you a lot of friends, as evidenced by the massive outpouring of salt you've already seen.
Also damn the shooting looks like a lot of fun. Bethesda's going to win a even bigger pile of money this time, since some of my friends who are more into actiony titles are taking notice of that aspect which Bethesda has been pushing heavily since E3.
Yea, it's going be boring, just like nothing revolutionary was in Skyrim . Oh wait, my Steam account says over 6000 hours played... I guess I love boring games made by Bethesda.
You are entitled to your opinion can spend your money where you want. Some of us do get more than our money's worth out of BGS's open-world games.
I don't like some of the things they've shown (well actually just the dialogue wheel and some other minor annoyances) but besides that everything looks pretty good and pretty far from boring. So inb4 I guess.
As Legion64 said any proper conclusions will be made after experiencing it.
But basing it on the ephemeral footage shown at Gamescon I think there's a possibility of being getting bored quite quickly.
The scene in the super duper mart looked like it was directly lifted from Fallout 3; up-resed and dropped into Fallout 4.
All conclusions are conclusory, but I'm curious to see how people react to Fallout 4 considering the basic gameplay ethos isn't as original as it once was and many games are now slowly trying to emulate Bethesda's immersive open-world experiences.
Honestly as far as graphics go i'm pretty sure we have peaked. I don't think they will be getting much better, and now i think the main focus will be art work. Which is exactly what BGS is good at. Their artwork has never been the norm. Its just unique. And I think that is why with fallout4 the graphics in the vids just don't matter and in my opinion, neither do the complaints about them.
Secondly giving credit to a mod maker for a mod, no mater how good it is, that the mods own creator pointed out was inspired by tower defense games and r.t.s games would force the developers to "give credit" to games ranging from M.U.L.E. To he latest star rap clone to the latest "there's porm!!! Inside! honest! Lots of sixy T& A! just look at the cute girl on our add! Just pay up and see more! Fee to play castle defense game.
I honestly don't want to sit there and scroll though a gigantic and literaly ever growing list of game creators and games just to make sure EVERYONE got credit.
As for getting any given mod maker a job? Forget it. Right now my mod lists from Morrowind to Skyrim and both fallouts contain around 40 or so modders who I think might just be good enough to so work for them.
But should the hire them all?
One moder I found out turned 16 this year so that hire is just not happening any time soon. Another lives in India, a third Japan, both said they have no interest in moving to the US, and several others have said that for whatever reason they did not want to move to the DC area.
They also have to somehow convince Todd that he should hire them. And from what has been said he's comfortable with the current team and ream size.
And yes, he has hired modders.
If anything, Fallout 4 looks way more fun than The Phantom Pain. I'm looking forward to finally booting it up and submerge in the immersion.
We're not close to peaking graphically, if we were it would confound all gaming history.The best looking games are almost always the latest games in a console's cycle.
Uncharted 4 already looks better (arguably) than anything out right now, and I'd be very surprised if TES 6 doesn't look more graphically pleasing than Fallout 4.
Especially if those knees became acquainted with a well placed arrow.
I'm just waiting to play the game, it looks like fun to me. I'm hoping it's going to be a huge time sink with so much to see and do.
Hah hah...
BGS has always taken cues from the modding community. It's a good relationship with their customers. Unlike most companies, BGS has always supported and encouraged user-made content by releasing the actual toolset used to make the game.
Example: Oblivion did not have the ability to harvest plants by having a visual change once you harvested something (i.e., picking a flower didn't change the graphic onscreen, picking a vegetable still showed the vegetable in the ground, etc.). Modders created the Harvest Flora mod with all necessary assets to show the actual visual change once something was harvested. BGS then incorporated that into Skyrim.
They do not owe modders anything at all because they do not have to offer the toolset to create content nor do they have to encourage such work. Most companies do not encourage this, but BGS does, so that is their reward to modders.
As for the look of what we know of Fallout 4 so far, including the mechanics and content, you must be blind to think it looks boring and dull. Not sure what else they could show that would excite you.
For me, it's just the lousy character visual aesthetics, a standard problem that modders have always had to fix with BGS games. I look forward to help from our East Asian friends to actually "make any character you want and do anything I want" (as Pete and Todd claim, falsely, with each game).
agree, lol everyone speak about the Witcher 3 so much and Uncharted kick the ass of the witcher on graphics, but Graphics dont make a game is just a part of it.
As Fallout 4, graphics are really good, maybe they arent the best, but they look new gen.
I think the game looks great and I can't wait to see the changes to the skill/ability systems. The customisation of items and settlements looks like it's going to make life very interesting and the changes to Power Armour are going to liven things up too. With just over three weeks left for release I'm getting very excited.
My 'boring' BGS gaming cycle:
1. Play the vanilla game until the Creation Kit arrives.
2. Upgrade to the latest GPU.
3. Mod it until the engine crashes or the computer struggles.
4. Find the sweet spot for all the mods and play until the next boring BGS game arrives.
5. Saves loads of money because I don't need to buy more than 2 or 3 new AAA games per year.
Already looking forward to 'boring' TES VI.
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