Fallout 4 looks dull overall and what have been improved compared to Fallout 3 which is 7 years older?
The footages of Fallout 4 graphics are smudged but can have to do with being on the consoles. The facial animation on the Player/NPCs barely show any facial expressions. The dialog tree in the game is similiar to BioWare's standard by picking few options and see if the playable character is saying something relevant to the player's choice.
Have Bethesda done something revolutionary about this game? Did the mod creators got any credits or job offer for making mods like http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/7070 http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/40040 ?
EDIT: I have also not noticed any particular with the sound in the game.