While I love Fallout 4 and the many new additions to the game there is just something missing, possibly the most important element of the entire game - That post apocalyptic feel.
Does anyone else feel this way?
Where i think they went wrong was the game is just too colourful. I understand they got a lot of criticism for the lack of colour in Fallout 3 and that green hue so, they listened to the fans and made the change which is good on their behalf really. personally the colour pallette on Fallout 3 never bothered me, infact I really liked it because I didn't treat the game like COD, i knew the setting and the theme and the reason they stuck to a limited and de-saturated look. It worked perfectly.
Fallout 4 on the other hand is far too colourful, it almost looks like a toy world, there are too many different colours and the colours are far too vibrant and bright. it doesn't look like it's been ravage by nuclear bombs and 200 years. 200 years, lets just think about that for a moment.
Also the weather, the sunny weather and clear skies clean the game up far too much, when the game gets misty and dull it looks great, the game feel smuch better and I'm much more immersed in it so, i'll be downloading a mod for that (I'm on console) as soon as one becomes available.
Also another part of the game that ruined the post apocalyptic feel is just how 'normal' it all feels too normal. I know there were shops/stalls in Fallout 3 but, it seems like they produce 'new' items and regardless of how realistic it is, this is a game and they can bend the rules to emphasize the feel and effect of the game and i loved how everything felt 'borrowed' on Fallout 3 and, well the entire series.
When you're travelling around or raiding building the items don't feel as worn and torn as the did before and the game focuses far too much on moving foraward, they didn't make use of the past enough or have enough terminals with interesting stories from before the bombs fell or during the attadk.
They pushed the technology too far in this game and they didn't keep the old 1940-1960 version of the future at all. As much as the Assaultrons are cool, they don't fit and EVERYTHING to do with the Institute doesn't fit at all, they pushed the technology so far that it actually surpassed what was available before the war and it seems as though the world won't be 'post apocalyptic' for much longer at that rate.
I loved the feeling of the world beeing stuck, frozen in time when the bombs dropped butl, they thew it away!!!
The look of the guns and some of the tech and enemies just look far too Mass Effect or another generic future looking game with guns when they had such a strong theme before.
What a waste!
I realise this is a big reason why I didn't instantly become immersed when I loaded up the game on November 10th and at first i couldn't put my finger on why.
The music as well really crushed 50% of the game because the music is a massive thing, it's half of the game. The radio is great (could have done with a few more stations, competiting DJ's maybe?)
it's the ambient music that ruins it. They changed the feel and tone completely when Fallout 3 and New Vegas was on the money. it doesn't seem as doom and gloom and barron and lonely sounding. The strings are a terrible addition to the game and the music is just far too Skyrim-y. Why did they do this?!!! i doesn't fit at all and it's annoying.
I'd love to have the ambient music of Fallout 3 back.
And the people are genrerally nowehre near as doom and glook as they were in Fallout 3 and I loved that tone, it really set a great feel. So much so that when I swapped back to Oblivion I felt surprised again that the people on oblivion were being nice to me and I realised what a smart and immersive change of tone between the two games existed.
There are quite a few more little details thatI could niggle away at but, i'll leave it at this.
I hope this explains that strange feeling everyone seems to be having with the game as I've seen a lot of people saying they feel sometning is missing and they don't know what. Well I think this is really what is missing and I'd love to see Bethesda maybe change it and patch it up a bit with either a patch or with the upcming DLC. That owuld be a brave and commendabl move ont heir behalf and lets face it, they do and have listened to us so far and they made all the changes we asked for whether good or bad and they haven't recive the credit they deserve for that.
All in all I love the game but, these changes would really make the game much better. The voice acting was amazing compared to past games, shame about the dialogue options and changes in the world...
Well their it is. Does anyone else agree or feel I've explained the missing 'feel' of the game that was hard to pinpoint?