But that does not change the fact that it is an RPG. Please, stop trying to desperately lay claim to an entire genre because you're so nostalgic for the way things used to be made. The discussion has been had by the tabletopers ever since Daggerfall to Morrowind and by the Fallout purists ever since Fallout 3. The discussion has not changed and the rebuttal has not changed and ultimately the masses opinion on the games in general have not changed.
Yes, the RPG numbers meta has been streamlined and a lot of it has been stored under the hood. You are free to not like that decision. Even I am partial to seeing more stats and numbers and all that jazz, but I realize what makes something a "role playing game" is not just statistics or text dialogue.
Fallout 4 is a game where you create your own character, assign points into certain attributes, level up those attributes or choose perks that flesh out the characters abilities, do quests and explore, and make choices to do with the overarching narrative of the story. You may say that you don't like the levelling system. Okay. You may say that you don't like the choices or lack thereof in the game. Okay. You may say that you don't like the dialogue. Okay. But please for the sake of your own integrity, stop saying the game is not an RPG. You sound like a jaded old white dude saying rap isn't music because he doesn't like/understand it.