Yes, I would definitely play a Fallout MMO, under the following guidelines:
#1.) The game is 100% skill based like Ultima Online was. No levels, no classes. You have a max cap of how many skills you can learn, but otherwise, you pick the skills you want and work them up by using them. IE to raise repair skill, I would repair items. To raise small guns, I would shoot things with small guns, etc etc etc.
#2.) The game is not item based. No epic items, no stuff like that.
#3.) The ingame world is huge
#4.) the ingame world is open PvP. Players should be able to be attacked anytime anywhere there arent guards.
#5.) In true wasteland style, the game should be full loot too. If you die, everything on you can be looted by other players, and even NPCs and monsters too.
#6.) Player owned housing and cities. I cant stress that one enough.
#7.) player crafting driven economy. Everything in the game can be made by characters. Players are the main source for raw materials and finished goods.
With these 7 rules in place, a Fallout MMO would be beyond awesome!
:fallout: :fallout: :fallout:
If a set amount of money in the game world, and its done as in EVE(1 server) i think it could be great. Money would have actuall value and the game world would be HUGE enogh to actually allow giantic raider groups

I doubt that most of that will happen. I don't think it's going to be full PvP.
Stop being so negativ.