Looking for a companion overhaul mod that makes them smarter, make it possible to change the weapons they are using, and make more npcs usable as companions. And it must be compatible with FWE.
When it comes to companion overhaul mods Phalanx wins hands down. If Oblivion's Companion Share & Recruit had been made by it's original creator (and not...nevermind) I'd not be able to choose between the two. Phalanx overhauls the vanilla companions as well as adds a couple more.
Besides that I do remember an earlier mod that not really overhauled, but more tweaked, the original followers to be smarter and not so moronic in combat. My searches haven't turned up anything as I'm also looking for something similar.
I'm really just after something (if such a thing exists) that reduces the followers area they search while looking for enemies. Mine at present run over the hills and far away to seek out that lone Super Mutant they swore they saw on the horizon :rolleyes: One follower is Butch, the other is my own I made, based off the original ones. So whatever Butch's problem is has been inadvertantly copied over to mine.
If it's something simple I can do myself that'll be fine. I just need to know what to alter.