» Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:40 am
Thanks! One more, and it's a loooooooooong shot...
About a year ago, I had downloaded a music pack and really loved it. I've been through ALL of Fallout 3 Nexus searching for it and cannot find it now. I don't remember the name of the pack, the author, anything, but one piece REALLY sticks out in my mind, and because of that I *must* find the pack.
The track that sticks out is from the "Explore" section of music. It slowly builds, and after 45 - 60 seconds this bass part comes in. That's it. Slow building into a bass part, with light percussion coming in afterwards. That's all I've got to go on, I can't find it on Fallout 3 Nexus, and if noone has any ideas then I will be left feeling a little sad, it really is a great track.