Still completely awesome...
And YES!! I'm converting ALL the mods I use to FOMODS, I did it back in the day of Obvlivion and it makes things 100K+ easier

Here's the section where I ask stupid things, because to me, writing code in any language is the same as performing a magic trick....
A filter.....(the search function I requested that you built in is incredibly amazing, I honestly can't even begin to understand how you did it....)
The filter I mention.....
It's so convenient to type "raider\headmale" and get just a list of that.... THANK YOU TIMESLIP!!!!
but to take it one step further.....a filter that can get filter out all those KF files or maybe a condition for the extension?
IE if I'm looking for DDS files it should only show DDS files, If I look in Meshes (a lot of stuff shows up like EGM, EGT, KF)
While Important, not always essential if you're just going to make some texture replacers...
On the other hand, you might get some modders who are way beyond replacing textures and meshes and need to "Drill Down" to the KF, EGM, EGT files...I dunno...
These are just suggestions by me, and I HOPE that I don't come across as....."I want you to make your program the way "I" want it"
I'm just using your program and frinding out things that might help other people