0.9.9 is up to fix a couple of bugs I missed in 0.9.8. (Mod indices incorrect after (un)checking an esp, and splitter crashes on maximized forms.) I also added a regex search option to the bsa browser, for whoever was asking to be able to mask by file extension at the same time as searching for some word.
I used the one for oblivion too, is that one still being updated?
Not really. I've made the odd update when people have requested a new scripting function, but nothing serious.
I had FOMM in fullscreen last time I launched FO3. Then this happened the next time. I have a 24" widescreen CRT at 1280x800
Fixed in 0.9.9. When you tell a window to maximize it seems that it doesn't actually do it until the window is made visible, so my assumptions about the size of the splitter were wrong.
I have a few questions about the BSA creator. Is it better to compress a BSA and does it run smoother if it's compressed? If you compress a BSA what is the best percent to compress them at?
There's no 'best' settings; higher compression just trades off cpu time for disk access time. What's best for you depends on your system and where the bottlenecks are. Just experiment. (Although tbh I doubt any differences would be big enough for you to notice.)
Edit: And it wont be smoother fps-wise in either case; only cell loading times will be affected.
It appears that the BSA browser's search case-sensitive?
Given that file names in bsa's are required to be lower case, I didn't really bother about case sensitivity. I guess I should for the case where text is copy/pasted...