If you guys missed it, jaysus has an interview worth checking out over at Planet Fallout.
does that mean the promise i once got is forfeit? for ever?

ok here are my newest proposals:
yossarien - helps everyone with so much freaky tech know how on the engine one can only question where he got it from... im just hinting at the 10500 water height bug on which i wasted a whole day and ended up with just a hardcoe workaround, he solved it lol...
malo and growlf - you'd need to interview both at the same time i guess... they did so much research in the field of armor, bodies, skin textures and such stuff, they basicly build the foundation for all armor mods out there... (apart from some secret knowledge discovered by saidenstorm which he hides deep in a cave full of trolls

- but he was interviewed yet)