Fallout 4 Modding Tools, animations, and Script extenders

Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:50 pm

Source of Beth. bugs #1 ! :whistling:

I'm guessing it's moved on since then, not a case of "It's time to export the FO4 artwork", "Okay dust of the P1 and see if the floppy drive still works"

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:26 am

Heh, doesn't surprise me that Bethesda's internal exporter wasn't slick :). However, the situation has changed somewhat, as development of community exporters has lagged behind Bethesda's extensions to the NIF format. Even a non-slick, potentially buggy exporter that did support their extensions would be something.

Or even a detailed document describing their extensions to the NIF format (not the whole format) would very much assist anyone who had the time and skills to make an exporter or contribute to the NifTools exporter and NifSkope.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:47 am

Lol, *looks at Unknown Int, Unknown Float*

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Julia Schwalbe
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:18 pm

Basically any tool that requires an outside program to run will be out. Console companies don't go through all that effort of walling users in to just let you use it as a cheap pc.

So no to script extenders, no to animation programs. I'd also imagine no to any sort of 'objectionable' content. So something as simple as renaming Med-X to Morphine, would not be allowed. The whole reason behind med-x in the first place was Australia censorship. Taking that in account, you can imagine all the other sorts of mods that would not be allowed on consoles. Hell, think if someone added in some nazi's to gun down as a tribute to wolfenstien, that'd cause them problems in Germany.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:18 pm

I don't know, couldn't Bethesda just add a disclaimer that they're not responsible/liable for mod content? They'd obviously have to moderate what appears on Bethesda.net itself, but I don't know to what extent that will be.

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Jade MacSpade
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:39 am

Doubt it. Someone rips off another games assets, and posts it on a server that Beth/Sony/etc owns? Thats a lawsuit waiting to happen. Besides there are some *highly* questionable mods for skyrim floating around. To the point where even naming the sites would get you a warning. But to a less risque bit. I remember on nexus, there was briefly a Tali companion from mass effect in skyrim. It had her armor, and her voice hacked directly from that game..

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:09 pm

Well, Bethesda can't and doesn't moderate content on sites they can't control; the Nexus only forbids copyrighted material so that they don't get sued. You're completely right that they couldn't put those kinds of mods on Bethesda.net, but if there was an unsanctioned way of getting mods onto console outside of Bethesda.net I think Bethesda would word their EULA in such a way that absolves them of any responsibility; it would be the same as trying to install a mod on the console versions of Fallout 3, or whatever.

The only times mods caused a controversy were when they simply enabled in-game assets, like the Hot Coffee fiasco or the re-rating of Oblivion. But if I ripped off assets from Mass Effect or the White Album or something for a Fallout 4 mod and uploaded that onto my own personal site, Bethesda would be in no legal danger. If I tried to upload it to Bethesda.net, they'd come down on me harder than a starved Deathclaw, though; possibly even ban me from uploading anything else.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:45 am

Right, unless I am mistaken though all console related mods are going to be released through sanctioned providers? Like either steam or bethesda.net? I admit not exactly following console development, other then how it impacts the pc.

About the only thing I really would like to see a crossover from pc/console and console/pc is various settlement type builds. Its something where a person could get really creative. I could see a little china settlement, that would look like fallout 2. Or an abandoned settlement, with a quest to figure out what happened, and repopulate it.. Things like that would take no additional assets and would be really neat to see. I am assuming that all signs in game would be translated into various other languages, so you could have a china town, or any other localized language signs. Only sticking point would be renaming the various install paths, so your not re-writing all the signs with the other languages, but just the signs you want.

Anyhow that was a wee bit off on a tangent, just got to thinking having a city with multiple sections with different languages on its store signs, and perhaps even npcs that don't speak English, and you need either captions to understand, or like real life guess at what they are saying.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:09 am


That kills me, if its anything like our exporter to nifskope to engine with all the in betweens, i feel immensely sorry for them haha. but he's probably just talking about the max exporter, and I'm sure their exporter can make a mesh game ready without doing much else. haha, but that is interesting they use an in house program for max. kind of what I thought. would be cool to see how it all really works.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:52 pm

I'm taking C++ courses in college now for the sole purposes of rebuilding the importer/exporter for 3ds. I've looked at the source code for it, and it isn't all that complicated, but i have no idea how to improve it in the slightest. We will see what fruits my efforts produce in the future.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:15 pm

So can I come to you with a wish list? :D

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:39 am

Good luck :thumbsup:. Hope you're enjoying the courses :)

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:45 pm

Oh, I think he'll have his work cut out just getting something working with the basics to start with - goodness knows what changes to the NIF format will have to be figured out and understood :)

My wish would be for a Blender exporter - no way can I afford 3DS Max, and I can't get the student/educator version without lying (which I'm not about to do). But oh well, what the hell, maybe someone will come up with something :)

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:33 am

A somehow working Blender exporter/importer for the newest Blender version that can directly work with Skyrim nifs came out this year (and it is still alpha). That's four years after Skyrim came out. So my wish is that the nif format stayed more or less the same so that this exporter/importer continues working. I don't want to wait for another four years.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:08 pm

So no LoversLab mods on consoles? :(

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Catherine Harte
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:20 pm

Well not the NSFW ones at any rate.

It is an interesting point though. Are console users only able to download it from the offical download service?

Or is it possible to package them for console use with the CK and download and install them from an external website?

Probably the former, which would mean you probably couldn't just mod it on your own PC and install it on your console from a flash drive either. If this wasn't the case, then anyone could make whatever mod they wanted for consoles as long as they didn't go through Bethesda's download service. Which is the way it is for PC and nobody cares, but consoles always get treated with kid gloves for some reason.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:24 pm

That's what I've been wondering this whole time. Bethesda can't curate mods that don't come from Bethesda.net, so I think that will be the only official source, but if people can somehow manually stick an .ESP and .BSA into their console installation, Bethesda can't really do anything about that. Which is about when they'd have to avoid liability and forbid that crap in the EULA.

What's the punishment for breaking the EULA and modding your console right now? I imagine that punishment will be close to whatever happens to peeps caught modding Fallout 4 on console without Bethnet.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:22 pm

haha indeed; I thought I knew something about scripting / coding. :bonk:

It's going to be a long while before I contribute much of anything in any regard. But thanks for the well wishes!

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:05 am

The console gets banned from xbox live.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:35 am

Animation is my main concern. It was difficult, even impossible at first for Skyrim, only thing that could be done was replacement of existing animations. Fore came up FNIS later that now allows new animation to be added (still replacing existing animations at run time, as i understand), but i've heard that he has said he is not available for Fallout 4.

Oh well, humans are pretty ingenious bunch, i'm sure someone will crack the system open if it is again as complicated as with Skyrim. And especially if it is the same system as in Skyrim.

Well, apart from the obvious issue, it, and it's Fallout equivalent, also need the script extender and plenty of DLL plugins for it to function, and i don't for a minute believe those will be allowed for consoles.
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