Hello. I was just wondering if there was any news on this. Last I heard they were hoping it would happen. Personally, I hope it does.
Hello. I was just wondering if there was any news on this. Last I heard they were hoping it would happen. Personally, I hope it does.
Nobody knows right now.
They're working on it for Xbox because I recall the answer being "Microsoft is easier to work with in the aspect of trying to make it work properly"
Who knows with Sony.
Likely Sony has not agreed to it yet or came to it later than Microsoft.
Also the console will be going to use a version of Windows 10 so it is likely much easier to port games over from Windows and vice verse.
Here's an article on the subject. Seems they may be going to PS4 after all.
I think they are trying to get it on PS4 but the only one they know right now is Xbox One
Lol I love how Bethesda is still using the "easier to work with" Bs argument I would love for them to just say it Mircosoft paid them to try it on the Xbox one first.....hopefully the dlc's won't go that way again, I mean we don't need another Skyrim.
While I agree wholeheartedly about not needing another Skyrim and I usually agree that "easier to work with" is just code for "paid us more". I feel that the xbox having windows 10 as it's OS will actually make it easier to port PC programming to the console since they wont have to program around a more limited OS. I am not a programmer but it makes sense when you look at it that way.
Hopefully Sony will get on board and find a way to make it work for the PS4 also so we're not missing out. Honestly I'll probably buy FO4 again for PC eventually to play with mods somewhere down the line. I did for Skyrim so I could play the DLC.
Well, Intact Garden Gnome Bethesda is doing a season pass this year as far as I know so if they do do it like Fallout 3 & Fallout Nv they run the chance of breaking the season pass terms.
it does make sense Swise42 & really if the mods do come to Ps4 i'd only download the unofficial patches.
Sure the Mods themselves are handled by the game but you need a place for moders to publish their work and for us to download and apply those mods to the game (in a way that user friendly on console where you can't access the file structure). It's easier to move an existing marketplace model from PC to Console if the base OS supporting that marketplace is the same. Same principal as making a mobile game for IOS and trying to port it for Android. All your base programming was for an apple OS but now you now you've got to make that same code fit into an Android OS. It takes some more time and work and for consoles it's going to take Sony approving the final product, probably.
Sure the Mods themselves are handled by the game but you need a place for moders to publish their work and for us to download and apply those mods to the game (in a way that user friendly on console where you can't access the file structure). It's easier to move an existing marketplace model from PC to Console if the base OS supporting that marketplace is the same. Same principal as making a mobile game for IOS and trying to port it for Android. All your base programming was for an apple OS but now you now you've got to make that same code fit into an Android OS. It takes some more time and work and for consoles it's going to take Sony approving the final product, probably.
This was an mixture of pressure and payment from MS, this was pretty easy to do with 360 as it was the majority console.
Not so cheap today as PS4 has sold far more
Yes probably have more experience, also in an minority position they are probably far more cooperative with anything who gives an edge.
Outside of this Mod for Fallout 3 and Skyrim worked on PS3 and 360 according to the article. The problem was that it was no way of installing them.
This however is no major overtaking, you need an web page to browse and download mod then an mod manager to installs them and let you remove them.
Main issue has been policy but also that previous generation had very lite memory making it easy for even simple mods to take the game over the memory limit.
This is not an issue with 8 GB.
It is not 8 gigs since I believe the system will need at least 1 gig of that if not more. Also it is likely the game will be already using most of the memory so I do not think any memory intensive mods will run or not run well.
Wouldn't it seem easier to work with MS, because the Xbox runs a Windows based OS, and the PS4 doesn't? (Just a guess; I've no experience with consoles... except a friends original Nintendo, and Super Mario Bros.)
Think its 2 gb for system, still it leaves more memory than you can use in skyrim on PC who is around 3.8 gb. Skyrim with the hd texture pack and all dlc don't use more than two.
To compare 360 had 0.5GB.
An typical pc has 10 gb, 8 main and 2 graphic.
Limiter in PS4/ One is gpu not memory, so if you stat adding lots of very high resolution textures and models you get lags.
Well, that what I heard people saying I don't know, theres so many reports & rumors its sometimes hard to tell whats true & whats false.
Fallout 4 will need higher specs to run than Skyrim, much higher.
Probably not on the minimum settings; (which I assume are platform specific?).
Are these fixed/immutable for consoles?. (Meaning do PS4s and Xboxs allow the player to tone down the visuals to get performance gains?)
Any game I have played on the X1 I could not adjust much in the game. Only minor things I can adjust like gamma, sub titles and volume. The developers likely go through a lot of fine tuning on how much AA or the quality of the texture be in the scene and try to get it at the 30 or 60 fps setting for the resolution they are looking to get it at. It is usually at 1080p but some games it is slightly less.
What I hope is maybe to have downgraded texture mods for the X1 and maybe boost the game up to 60 FPS or downgrade the game to 720p and still be at 30 frames per second but have more options to run mods.
Right now I think only a handful of mods will work and those are likely the less memory intensive ones that might alter the damage of a gun or something like that.
Who knows, hopefully Bethesda and Sony can find a way for it to be done, However I'm not getting my hopes up.
Well there are 2 things to remember about this
1- the ps4 runs on a linux based system. I recall reading somewhere how devs found it much more difficult to code for the ps3 because of this. I would assume the ps4 has similar problems.
2- From what I understand pc gaming is a minority in Japan. Mods would seem a foreign concept to them so selling it to their companies is more difficult. It would be more likely that sony would adapt after seeing success with microsoft.