Since i do not own a Xbox One i would not mind seeing a master chief looking power armour once the game has been played through once or twice.
Since i do not own a Xbox One i would not mind seeing a master chief looking power armour once the game has been played through once or twice.
Two things I would like to see.
First, I'm sure many of you here have heard or saw the movie sharknado? How about a mod called ghoulnado? It wouldn't be everywhere, only in certain areas of the map with have high levels of radiation. So like 1 location called, The Glowing Sea. We would see ghouls or mutated sharks (if there any) in a waterspout or radiatedspout.
Second, a Something like that.
Thats it for now.
Good Morning,
I'm going to port, will probably get my hands on the needs functions and already plan a Mod to de-fiftyfize the game. Personal preference, I really dislike the fiftys. A good follower Mod is probably also needed, and modding multiple followers if not allowed from the start?
If no one else ducks into, and my fear comes true that not all guns have realistic aim, I'm also going to learn me Blender for that case.
Do you think they will have level cap enabled again?
Edit: On my defense for creating a new thread. I did used the search function, but it didn't spit out this thread, so? I'm sorry however to have made a new thread...
Jango and Boba Fett Mandalorian armour and of course jetpacks with a missile you can launch from them like in star wars. And a radiation or neutron gun that collects radiation in the atmosphere and fires it at opponents
The option to feed dogmeat a can of pork and beans which causes him to take a giant dump.
They've said there won't be a level cap.
I'm looking forward to some AI mods, the Skyrim ones were fantastic.
Ill set up some danish radio channel. Complete with danish 40-50ies music, nuke warning civil defense messages etc. I'd like to see localized versions of them. A german, french or spanish one would be cool too.
I know its way too early to be thinking of mods when we haven't even played the base game yet... but whatever, lol. I was thinking of some cool mods that people could make so I decided to post em up.
I was thinking that it would be cool to have a mod that allows melee characters to use shields, like scrap shields. Don't you think it could be cool to run around with a car door shield bashing enemies while swinging a scrap mace around? I think it would be cool if you could use small guns with the shield as well, but it lowers your accuracy. Like if you want to move around while under fire, just equip the shield and a pistol to get from point A to point B safer. it would be cool if enemies could use these shields too; it would add another dynamic to combat.
You know how you can melee with your guns? Well if this isn't already implemented, you should be able to use melee weapons at range. Lets say there is an enemy gunning you down from 20 feet away and all you got on you is an axe (or something), what do you do? You either run towards him under fire, or you could run away, but if you could chuck your axe at him, it would incapacitate them long enough to run over grab the axe and hack them to bits. This could also be a perk or ability you acquire through some quest.
And for my last one that i can think of at the moment, motorcycle mod. This may not be needed as much as it was in fallout 3/NV but it could still be fun. It could be as simple as just placing a single motorcycle somewhere on the map, or something advanced as completely customizable variants that you acquire through quests. It would be sick if you could scrap parts and modify your bike, add spikes, storage, sidecar, boost, headlights, etc. I assume people have already thought of this, but it doesn't hurt to mention it again
I encourage people to post more ideas below and discuss them, I know I will
I'm sure as I play I'll want far more important mods, but the one I'd like to see based on the footage so far would be one to get rid of the cheesy context driven Vault Boy popping up on your screen and waving his arms.
EDIT: Or make him much smaller.
If we cant already, I like to be able paint my power armour different colours.
How about a Coop mod as a option if you want to play with friends or trade idems or get ideas from friends for a building and they keep their rank and weapons with them. If not I'm going to try and mod this myself for Xbox One.
?How about a mod that the pit boy instead of playing music it talks to you about the wasteland and the creatures in Morgan Freeman's VOICE !!!!
I would like a vehicle made from the shell of one of the nuclear bombs that you have to ride like a cowboy and the horn to make a YEEEEEEE HAAAAAA noise when pushed! Cowboy hat optional!
Very, very unlikely to see one that actually works. And even more unlikely that one will be possible on consoles.
There have been attempts to add any kind of multiplayer to Bethesda games via mods since Morrowind. But without the networking code being present in the game to begin with, it just doesn't seem possible to get it to a working condition beyond incredibly basic Alpha stages.
They always seem to get abandoned at an early stage or just seem to stall.
As for one being on the console, too many third party workarounds are required in most cases, and while we aren't sure, it looks like third party programs such as Script extenders and the like won't be allowed on the consoles.
Looks like based some videos you can't strip characters anymore,so nvde mods won't be possible.
But you be able to mod clothing like lingerie but no underwear.
Another vote for bullet time as an alternative to VATS, which I never use. And something that makes loot more scarce. I don't want to be the richest person in the wasteland at like level five, and I want meds and food (if I decide to use needs in a particular playthrough) to be scarce so keeping myself alive is an actual challenge. And speaking of levels, something that slows leveling down. I feel like it always happens way too quick for how long I play the game, so my character gets way too strong way too fast.
Also more (lore-friendly) hairstyles and chargen options are always good.
i know and I do appreciate them.
Just saying it's going to be bit harder depending how the skin is attached to clothing instead of separate item.