Fallout 4 Mods - Requests, Ideas, Projects, and Suggestions

Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:46 pm

I have an idea for wild wasteland location/mod/dlc

A settlement of inteligent dogs/robodogs that worship a pantheon of all dogs that acompanied previous games protagonists. I think it would bring a nice feeling of nostalgia. There could be a temple with statues/hides/body parts of previous dogs of the franchise. Protagonist could obtain the "ultimate dog companion" that was bred/build/reincarnated as the dogs waited for new wanderer to roam the wasteland, or he could obtain some "upgrade" for the dog that already acompanies him.

Quality of this new dog or "upgrade" could be dependant on Protagonists karma or quest associated with these dogs.

Quest could be something like saving them from dethclaws/nightsalkers, or making other settlements acknowledge dogs as a sentient race or something ridiculous like collecting dog snacks

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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:47 pm

Yeah, I think most of us acknowledge that some things will have to wait until we have in-game knowledge of mechanics. Now worries, I for one, want to play start to finish on my initial run without any mods, then mod the living hell out of it after the community has had some time to ingest and learn the game mechanically.

Will keep a lookout for your work!
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Theodore Walling
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:21 am

looked through entire topic and was surprised.

some hardcoe modders will 100% add fallout shelter into Fallout 4.

simply come across and Incomplete and not yet numbered vault and start doing the same thing you do in shelter down to the deathclaw attacks..

only now you can deal with disasters yourself.

might seem like a boring idea, but i would be elated to be able to send dwellers into the wasteland where i might run into them, or even have them as a unique way to gather weapon/equipment.

it wouldn't be too hard beyond the coding for the timers and all that, all you need to do is what is in Shelter, have prebuild "rooms" that you can build from a menu on areas where existing doors dead end...

a big enough group tackles this you could even get voice acting for all those funny and cheesy lines that you get in Shelter..


next up, simply a random "free gun" encounter at the start where you nearly get squished by a UFO and get a free alien blaster and like 10 rounds for it right after you exit the vault... just because starting off with the blaster is my favorite way to play the fallout series... might sound overpowered but it has actually happened at least 3 times for me where the firelance version spawned the moment i got to the supermarket in Fallout 3. only get like 10 rounds so while you can make any encounter really easy you can only do it in a heavily limited fashion as long as you are careful with how much ammo the encounter gives you.


a VR simulation quest (or whatever allows you to explore the opening area) that has you go into your own memory of the day the bombs drop so you can explore that world (within the relative limits of how much of that version of the wasteland is actually rendered) and even replay the big boom if you feel like it. maybe even get to see your kid again or something crazy like im sure some movie has done. there have been so few chances to actually explore the pre-war world in the fallout universe that since we actually will have some prebuild objects in the game already, i would love to see a adventure either into the past or maybe a recreation of it (creative license freedom). Time travel is not really known as a factor in Fallout, but we do have plenty of VR stuff.


here is a quest idea, you come across a singularly intact building in the wasteland. utterly pristine you have to explore it, but once inside you cannot escape and it turns out something is hunting you. a creature of the wasteland has evolved advanced psychic abilities and is using the knowledge inside you to trap you in a prison of your own making... creating illusions of various things from your mind such as your dead family, your hidden history (as you can tell it), and your life in the post war wasteland (do you regret killing those people? they regret it!) to confront a creature straight out of your nightmares and reclaim a piece of your past..

sound intresting? too straight forward? well here is the kicker. the choices you make will influcence your rewards, even your illusions are a result of your chocies and let you make your characters history your own... how would you react to being with your dead family? were you a doctor before the war? a soldier? imagine the ability to choose from many SPECIAL inspired pasts and recovering something related to it. Unique Gear and perks for each choice you make. say you confront the illusion of your dead family by killing your spouse and burning the house (they are already dead after all) or by having an emotional charisma check where you get a second chance to say your goodbyes before dispelling the illusion and moving to the next one. you get a perk related to those choices.. Were you a soldier? Obviously your old gun and gear will be found. i think this kind of a quest would be perfect for letting players make their own backstory for the sole survivor, letting them set in stone and gameplay a general version of their own ideal past. you can be pretty generic when playing the past vocation, after all the illusions will not be perfect.

also again this would be a chance to use those pre-war assets which i cannot stress enough will be big in this game.


Dog Meat puppies... you find another dog and if you can get it back to one of your doghouses, then dogmeat will (off screen) have puppies and you can love their cuteness..


i dont have to ask for car mods... there will always be a car mod...

i will however ask for flyable rockets... like the Delta IX rocket... and the ability to fly to the moon and collect decorative moon rocks you can sort of use as weapons. for instance... Bashing Rock(Melee) & Throwing Rock(ranged). because weaponized Moon Rocks are awesome. oh and if you can encounter lots of aliens and alien buildings on the mood making it like a second wasteland (requiring a spacesuit to travel admittedly) that would be cool... maybe have that as where mothership zeta was based at originally or something like that?

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:09 am

I read a lot of the mod support topics. Even on the PC, it is obvious a lot of the people who use mods never read the description or the prereqs.

I am somewhat surprised some of them can find the power switch.

With mods being introduced to the wider community of console players, who have no idea what load order means - this should be really entertaining -

unless you are one of those mod authors who have to provide support. Main reason I only write mods for myself - I only have one fool to deal with.

Keeping on topic - any mod support request should come with a mandatory "Donate" button. I feel for those authors.

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Eliza Potter
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:02 pm

Quest moders also have a small problem, we don't know what the main story rely is, and we don't know what the side story's are.

For example my quest line is based on one of the Darker sides of Boston and Mass. history Pre-WW II and to a suprising degree post WW II

But the problem remains that if we are sketching out a story-quest mod that is already being "Covered" by Bethesda you end up with a "Me Too" situation.

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Alyce Argabright
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:47 am

What I'd like to see is a compilation of rare or unusual RL guns added to the game.


The Ithaca Auto & Burglar https://www.forgottenweapons.com/ithaca-auto-burglar-12ga/

Burgess Folding Gun https://www.forgottenweapons.com/shotguns/burgess-folding-gun/

Japanese Type 97 WWII sniper rifle https://www.forgottenweapons.com/japanese-type-97-sniper-rifle-video/

North China Type 19 WWII Rifle https://www.forgottenweapons.com/rifles/north-china-type-19/

APB Silenced Machine Pistol https://www.forgottenweapons.com/machine-pistols/apb-silenced-machine-pistol/

Or others the modders may come find.

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Katharine Newton
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:29 am

Definitely agree with RW models...perhaps some rare ones as you suggest, and many not so rare that should still surely be found in the FO universe (New Vegas included most of these):





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JUan Martinez
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:43 pm

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-VrEA-FZ99Cc/U9LFISW5mUI/AAAAAAAACKo/ci_a9Aif_qA/s1600/2014-07_6SFW_SIGMCX_02.jpg That is modifiable (Ex. Scopes, stocks, silencers, grips so you can set it up to fit your needs)

http://www.lvlarmory.com/photos/slideshow/c0cbad5eb134fbd440d12f390e01c5d8_accuracy-international-2.jpg Again, Modifiable

http://stateofguns.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Sphinx-SDP-Compact-wide.png Mod (only things like lasers of course)

http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/IMG_9216.jpg No mods

Desert Tech http://www.defensereview.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Desert_Tech_DT_MDR_and_MDR-C_Micro_Dynamic_Rifle_Modular_Multi-Caliber_Bullpup_Combat_Assault_Carbine_and_SBR_Sub-Carbine_SHOT_Show_2014_David_Crane_DefenseReview.com_DR_29.jpg AND http://i.imgur.com/BH1ze1G.jpg As modifiable as possible

Got a lot more I could post, but this is a good start

UNFORTUNATELY, none of these will ever get made because- actually I'm going to bite my tongue.

As far as armor I would love to see a complete scratch remake of Dragon Skin armor from FO3 and was ported to FNV

Maybe some other new body armor options too such as the CPC.

Would also love to see Ranger Vet armor make a return and maybe some similar original armor designs

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:53 pm

Some of that might get made.

Aaaaand...since we're on the subject, and wishing out loud :banana::

http://www.rifleshootermag.com/files/2014/06/barrett_98B_fieldcraft_rifle.jpg(already has a mod in FONV)


http://survivalthrive.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Mossberg-M590A1-2-1024x413.jpg(already has a mod in FONV)

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7f/PEO_M14_EBR.jpg(already has a mod in FONV)



http://www.gunsandammo.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/2/files/saiga-12-review/saiga-12_007.jpg(already has a mod in FONV)

And for the hell of it:

http://www.everydaynodaysoff.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/Franchi-Sawed-Off.jpg(already has a mod in FONV)


Hope to see a return of the flare gun as well.

Many of these already have mods in FONV and just need to be imported into FO4.

And as far as armors go, I'd like to see Riot Gears and Helms return. I'm also hoping that TG and JooS update their armor collections from FONV to FO4.

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Karl harris
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:17 am

I tend to find that if guns aren't an from the 80s-90s or featured in a Call of Duty game, they don't get made. M4s, G3s, AWMs, ACRs. All in CoD.

Also good choice with the Sig and XD. Been to the Sig plant myself

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Hella Beast
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:33 am

One mod I would like to see is a more lore-friendly treatment for BoS gear. F3 had waaaay too many power armor sets in rotation. I feel like it should more closely resemble the pre-war US Army. Initiates and Knights in combat armor. Paladins in power armor.

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Rachel Cafferty
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:57 pm

Skyrim armor would be really cool.

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Alan Whiston
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:57 am

Well, seems like you've made a trip just short of heaven having visited the Sig plant. Good on ya.

Really interested to see what gun modders come up with for this round. I'm really wishing for anything chambered in .338 LM or .300 Win Mag for a fairly badass sniper rifle. Yeah, I know, I'll grow old before that happens, but in the spirit of the thread title, just throwing it out there.

Not worried too much about it though, as I'm sure there will be a new version of CaliberX coming for FO4, so I can chamber my own guns. Both calibers are available in the mod and I used them for the 98B and one of the Rem 700 mods in New Vegas. Really adds to the whole experience for me personally. Really makes the game more of a gun nerd playground, so that's always a good thing. Cool thing is you get the drop system in NV, so you can reload them, and using the quest system you can get them into merchant inventories. Not sure we'll be able to reload in FO4, so we may need a whole mod to just do that.
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:01 pm

Lol only like an hour 30 away.

And that's kinda what I want. Maybe not a gun nerd playground, but I want to be able to switch out stocks, sights, grips, suppressors to be able to adapt my weapons for any reasonable situation for that gun.

Crysis was my first and best experience in adapting a gun to fit a situation and nothing has come close since.

Though to keep this thread on topic, how about a mid to replace the melee button we seem to have with an attack with a knife or melee weapon Payday stylr
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:42 pm

(Please delete my double post)
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Chloe Botham
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:51 pm

Yeah, it leads to so many other ideas. Doesn't help that we know so little about the game. But if Bethesda drops the ball on some things, maybe modders will step in and save the day since we're really only requesting things.

Yeah, permanently applied mods are rubbish. Being able to apply and remove is a big yes. I'm also hoping for a large variety of explosives, since that tended to be my tag skill. More importantly I want to be able to craft those explosives. NV gave us a remarkably deep crafting system for explosives and they were extremely effective. Crafting your own fat mines and satchel charges was a lot of fun. If Beth streamlines explosives play, perhaps modders will give it life?
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:56 pm

For starters, hud mod, depth of field. All I really need in the beginning

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Daramis McGee
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:32 am

I'd like to see a mod that brings the weapons and apparel from Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas into Fallout 4.

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jeremey wisor
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:28 pm

They would have to be made from scratch, but I'd be down for such a mod. (there are certain licensing issues with the middleware used to make the game assets that make it a copyright violation to transfer those assets between Fallout games)

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:51 am

I fully expect that enterprising modders will bring things like Riot gear and Helms into FO4...assuming permissions, and providing they're not in the base game. I also expect big apparel mods like JooS Armory and TG (for example) to update their collections and bring them over. If not, I'll be doing it myself.
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Sunny Under
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:46 am

I'd like to see Traits brought back into the game, assuming they aren't currently (which it looks like they're not). Certain past traits would have to be modified a bit - with the new SPECIAL-based perk system, things like Four Eyes and Small Frame might need a different approach - but I think it'd be a worthwhile mod to have.

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Marion Geneste
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:23 am

Add this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=st7vEOaDiZ0 that was in a supposed leak before release :D

I was so hyped when I first heard this

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Kevan Olson
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:57 am

Expanded Perk chart.-

  • additional rows added in perk chart
  • individual perks expanded. (when selecting a perk from the chart the perk expands showing a tree of possible perks in perk category, option to lock out one if not picked in tree)
  • cosmetics applied to new rows and perks
  • Perk combo bonus traits (if specific perks are selected the pc will get a unique trait) ie. rad resist + nuclear anomaly + dumb luck = trait ghoulifcation (option to op out if the pc doesn't like the trait.)
  • Perk use counters (internal or external)

Could be a good resource mod for modders.

Physic abilities-

Perk, traits, or items that give the pc physic abilities ie explode peoples heads, Paralyze, think elfen lied episode 1.

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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:29 am

or cannibal + grim reaper spirit + mister sandman + lone wander = trait unholy drifter

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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:32 pm

and while I'm at it.

Trait ghoulifcation - PC turns into ghoul if total rad count is >2032

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